Fakulta právnická / Faculty of Law
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Ho ba, Huy
Vybraná legislativní úprava FinTech v České republice a jeho užití v praxi The subject of this rigorous thesis is ?Selected legal framework of FinTech in the Czech Republic and its use in practice?. The main objective of this rigorous thesis is to present selected legislative regulation of FinTech in the Czech Republic and partly in the European ... |
Lejčková, Lenka
Právní gramotnost v České republice This diploma thesis is devoted to a comprehensive analysis of the legal minimum as a necessary basis for the development of legal literacy among citizens of the Czech Republic. The aim of the work is to identify the key areas of legal knowledge that every citizen sho... |
Podolová, Barbora
Politické procesy 50. let v Československu se zaměřením na Plzeňsko The rigorous work is devoted to the topic of the political processes of the 1950s in Czechoslovakia, with the fact that the work is more focused on the situation in the Pilsen region. The aim of the work is to introduce the historical-legal events of political proces... |
Beneš, Vladimír
Porušení smluvních povinností podnikatelů u smluv o dílo v komparaci s německou právní úpravou, a to v kontextu smluv s mezinárodním prvkem This rigorous thesis deals with the question of regulation of cross-border contracts for work, specifically contracts concluded between Czech and German entrepreneurs. It focuses in particular on claims related to defects in work and contractual liability. The work is divided into three ... |
Kvapilová, Andrea
Rozvázání pracovního poměru výpovědí ze strany zaměstnavatele This rigorous thesis is focused on the termination of the employment relationship by notice of termination given by the employer. This thesis deals with the requirements of a notice of termination and its defects, as well as some institutes related to the termination of an... |
- 209 veřejná správa
- 202 public administration
- 112 law
- 109 trestní řízení
- další >
- 2878 diplomová práce
- 656 bakalářská práce
- 174 rigorózní práce
- 1437 2020 - 2024
- 2271 2012 - 2019