Katedra rehabilitačních oborů / Department of Rehabilitation Science
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Kushnir, Tetyana
Sledování úchopové síly v kontextu náročnosti posturálních pozic Grip strength is an important factor affecting a person's ability to perform everyday acti-vities. Its value is influenced by a number of factors, including postural position. The aim of this study was to quantify the effect of the difficulty of postural positions on grip ... |
Strusková, Kateřina
Screening plosky nohy dětí předškolního a školního věku The bachelor's thesis deals with foot screening in preschool and school children. The theoretical part explains the development of the leg, typology and kinesiology of the foot. The most common defects, deformities and possibilities for their therapy are presented. The practical... |
Králová, Marie
Ošetření myofasciálních řetězců pomocí fyzikální terapie The aim of the bachelor's thesis is to evaluate the effectiveness of a single application of ultrasound on the pectoral fascia. The practiacal part of the thesis focuses on the use of ultrasound therapy as a form of physical therapy for the treatment of the pectoral... |
Balíková, Andrea
Využití testů dynamické stabilizace kolenního kloubu ve sportovní fyzioterapii The bachelor thesis focuses on the use of paraclinical testing, specifically IMU sensors, in a sports environment. The thesis contains a wide range of information relating to knee joint kinesiology, testing in a sports physiotherapy setting to information on selected sports. The applica... |
Pácalová, Kristýna
Dopad pohybových aktivit u pacientů s míšní lézí a jejich vliv na ADLs Spinal cord injury is a condition that affects individuals in their everyday life, primarily in the performance of Activities of daily living and independence. Regular physical activity chosen by the individual and making sense to them can contribute to improving their physical conditio... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Vysokoškolské kvalifikační práce / Theses
- Fakulta zdravotnických studií / Faculty of Health Care Studies