Browsing by Author Hurda, Lukáš

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Showing results 1 to 13 of 13
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2022Analysis of multi constant current flowmeter heated elementsSedláček, Jan; Hurda, Lukáš; Mráček, Jindřich
2018Analysis of Phenomena Affecting Thermal Measurement on a Test Radial CompressorLevý, Jaroslav; Matas, Richard; Hurda, Lukáš
2019Analysis of room overpressure after launching an integrated extinguishing systemHurda, Lukáš; Matas, Richard; Redmer, Marek
2017Analýza nejistot měření tepelných veličin v odstředivém kompresoruHurda, Lukáš; Matas, Richard
2018Experimental investigation and numerical modelling of 3D radial compressor stage and influence of the technological holes on the working characteristicsMatas, Richard; Syka, Tomáš; Hurda, Lukáš
2016Large eddy simulation of turbulent flow around a low pressure gas turbine bladeHurda, Lukáš
2018Liquefied extinguishing agent discharge to an overpressure-sensitive enclosed volumeHurda, Lukáš; Matas, Richard
2022Numerical modelling and experimental investigation of the influence of selected geometric elements on the working characteristics of radial compressor stages with prismatic bladesMatas, Richard; Syka, Tomáš; Hurda, Lukáš; Linhartová, Zuzana
2023Numerická analýza proudění v turbostrojích s vlivem vybraných geometrických prvků a proudových jevůHurda, Lukáš
2021Preliminary Computational Study of Centrifugal Compressor Inlet Flow Instabilities with Radial Inlet Guide VanesHurda, Lukáš; Matas, Richard
2019Preliminary computational study of turbulent flow in the boundary layer of the suction side of an inclined plateHurda, Lukáš; Matas, Richard
2019Radial Compressor Test Data Processing with Real Gas Equation of StateHurda, Lukáš; Matas, Richard
2014Tepelné ztráty parního potrubíHurda, Lukáš