Bakalářské práce / Bachelor´s works (KTB) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Pechová, Alena
Vliv mezenchymálních kmenových buněk na hodnoty lymfocytárního proliferačního testu This bachelor work concentrates on mesenchymal stem cells and their influence on proliferation of lymphocytes. The theoretical part deals with characteristic of cell populations used for research and their mutual interaction. In practical part was performed a research with application of lym... |
Peřinová, Tereza
Změny v hodnotách testu bazofilů v průběhu specifické imunoterapie na jed blanokřídlého hmyzu This bachelor thesis deals with chenges in test values basophils during specific immunotherapy for Hymenoptera venom. The work consists of two main parts, theoretical and practical. The theoretical part deals with allergy to Hymenoptera venom, pathogenesis, clinical reactions, diagnosis and treat... |
Kulhánková, Klára
Významná parazitární onemocnění v ČR This thesis deals with parasitic diseases in the Czech Republic. The introduction to the theoretical part explains the concept of parasitism. Then we are describing various parasitic diseases and their agents. We are describing autochthonous infections and often imported parasitic diseases. ... |
Krausová, Magdaléna
Stanovení aktivačních markerů CD25 a CD69 lymfocytů kultivovaných v přítomnosti fibroblastů nebo mezenchymových kmenových buněk The thesis is devoted to the description of T-lymphocytes and their application within the immune system. It describes how the mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) and fibroblasts influence the immune response mediated by T-lymphocytes. In this regard, the extent of inhibition of the T-lymphoc... |
Konvář, Pavel
Sekvenování DNA - historie, současnost, perspektivy The main topic of this thesis is a summary of the newest findings connected with methods of a current molecular genetics, namely new generation devices and its potencional application in a clinical diagnostics of a humane diseases. The introduction applies to history and... |
Bocskorová, Michaela
Stanovení specifických IgE na pevné fázi, význam zkříženě reagujících alergenů This bachelor thesis is focused on cross-allergy and allergy diagnostic methods using ImmunoCAP ISAC. This thesis is divided into theoretical and practical part. The theoretical part describes allergy, its clinical manifestations, diagnosis and treatment of allergic diseases. There is also ... |
Demková, Miriam
Význam cytogenetických vyšetření nádorových buněk u pacientů s vybranými hematologickými malignitami This bachelor thesis deals with the importance of cytogenetic analyses of tumor cells in patients with selected haematological malignancies. This thesis is focused on leukemias, which are very frequent haematological malignancies in adults as well as children. The theoretical part describes ... |