Hambergerová, Lenka
Nové formy výukových materiálů pro předmět Stolničení The aim of this work is the concept of a new form of teaching the subject table setting for hotel schools. This educational process using ICT. The result is a well constructed course better relationship between teacher and students. They are new features such as interacti... |
Raková, Helena
Rozvoj kreativity v oboru kadeřník pomocí projektového vyučování Bachelor thesis " Development of creativity in the field of hairdresser using project based teaching" is focused on the theoretical knowledge of project processing instruction. Subsequently acquired knowledges are applied during the course of training in educational practice. The theoretical... |
Malá, Alice
Pracovní činnosti v předškolním zařízení In my thesis, at first, I concerned with a general description of work activities in preschool facilities, their history, goals and possibilities of use in the education of children of preschool age. In the research part of the thesis, I focus on their implementation in p... |
Hruška, Michal
Výzkum v oblasti užívání sociálních sítí učňovskou mládeží My target was to characterize the path of quantitative research activity leading of youth apprenticeship on social networks. My work is not addressed the whole the issue, but it only to summarize the most recent trends and to highlight its importance. |
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 4 of 4
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 4 of 4