Číslo 1 (2014) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Polívka, Martin
Úvodní slovo |
Ubrežiová, Iveta
Moravčíková, Kamila
Women in top management and its application in vise-grad countries The main objective of this paper is to introduce and compare situation of women in top management positions in the Vise-grad countries. The issue of women entering managerial position is becoming more interesting and currently belongs to one of the most discussed topics. The n... |
Lančarič, Drahoslav
Savov, Radovan
Kozáková, Jana
Vnímanie spravedlivosti hodnotenia a odmeňovani zamestnancov vo vybraných organizáciach v SR The paper deals with assessment and rewarding of employees from the point of view of percieved justice of this process. It presents partial results of research realised over the period of years 2012-2013 connected to subject “Planning in enterprises”. For calculation we used non-pa... |
Žižlavský, Ondřej
Faktory úspěchu inovací Innovation is the driving force of corporate growth. It ensures competitiveness and offer opportunities. On the other hand, high development costs and long development cycles require high investments that have to be spent efficiently. Therefore, it is necessary to innovate wisely and wi... |
Matoušková, Kristýna
Scholleová, Hana
Mikroekonomický pohled na řízení kulturních organizací In the Czech Republic the cultural organizations, under which we understand mainly museums and galleries, are dependent on state subsidiaries. These donations are given mainly by the Ministry of Culture which redistributes the financial resources based on the ideas of institutions rather... |
Poliak, Ladislav
Pozícia komunitnej nadácie v miestnom rozvoji The local development is the area of research of many scientists, theorist or practitioners. Whatever, the question of community foundations is relatively neglected. Community foundations have a huge potential of provision of local economic development. The objective of submitted paper is to... |
Přibylová, Michaela
Rousová, Magdalena
Dopady globální ekonomické krize na trh práce v okrese Plzeň-sever The contribution deals with the influence of the global economic crisis on the labour market in the district Plzeň-sever. Impacts of the crisis on the local labour market were depicted on the basis of time analysis (2004-2012) of labour market indicators and its comparison wit... |
Vidová, Jarmila
Investičné stimuly ako významný zdroj financovania investičných projektov v Slovenskej republike Purpose of the article constitute foreign source of funding for investment projects. Investment incentives are the form of state aid, which significantly affects investors' decisions on the location of investment in the economy. This scheme may take various forms, depending on what ... |
Vilčeková, Lucia
Sabo, Miroslav
Nákupné správanie slovenských spotrebiteľov naprieč vybranými demografickými ukazateľmi The paper describes brand buying behavior of Slovak consumers across different demographic features with emphasis on domestic versus foreign brands. First, the introduction to brands and branding is provided, followed by description of purchase decision process and finally, research results are... |
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