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dc.contributor.authorKříž, Antonín
dc.identifier.citationStrojírenská technologie Plzeň 2011: sborník abstraktů: IV. ročník mezinárodní konference konané ve dnech 25.- 26.1.2011 v Plzni. Vyd. 1. Plzeň: ZČU v Plzni, 2011, s. [1-12]. ISBN 978-80-7043-934-0.cs
dc.description.abstractPovrch součásti je třeba chápat v kontextu s jeho mnoha funkcemi. Nejdůležitějšími vlastnostmi jsou mechanické, fyzikální a chemické. V praxi nejsou jednotlivé vlastnosti uplatňovány samostatně, ale vždy ve vzájemné kombinaci a tím je ztíženo posuzování jednotlivých vlivů. V minulosti byla pozornost povrchu věnována pouze v souvislosti s drsností, geometrickou přesností. V současné době je snaha popsat vlastnosti povrchu komplexně v širších souvislostech. Byla vytvořena speciální metodika hodnocení, která se nazývá integrita povrchu. V uvedeném článku jsou zachyceny jednotlivé sledované faktory i s jejich specifiky ve vazbě na výsledné užitné vlastnosti.cs
dc.format12 s.cs
dc.publisherZápadočeská univerzita v Plzni. Fakulta strojní. Katedra technologie obráběnícs
dc.rights© University of West Bohemiaen
dc.subjectintegrita povrchucs
dc.subjectobrobený povrchcs
dc.subjectzbytková napětícs
dc.subjectmikrostruktura povrchucs
dc.subjectzpevněný povrchcs
dc.titleVliv povrchu na užitné vlastnosti výrobkucs
dc.title.alternativeInfluence of the surface on end-use properties of producten
dc.typekonferenční příspěvekcs
dc.description.abstract-translatedThe surface of a component must be understood in the context of its numerous functions. Its most important properties include the mechanical, physical and chemical ones. In service, these properties do not take effect separately but in combinations which make their influence difficult to evaluate. In the past, the surface only received attention in relation to its roughness and geometric accuracy. These days, there are efforts to describe the surface properties comprehensively in a wider context. A special evaluation methodology has been created and became known as the surface integrity. Surface integrity analysis provides a comprehensive evaluation of the state of surface and its impact on the performance of the part. Obtaining reliable results requires that individual factors are treated with great attention. Fragmentary measurement, partial experiments and their results are not sufficient for evaluating final properties of a component. There are a number of experts engaged in research into this issue at the author’s place of work and at the Department of Machining Technology of the University of West Bohemia. In spite of this, or even for this reason, the author sees in the surface integrity concept both a great challenge and a risk, resulting from separation of individual results from the overall context. Embedding the surface integrity concept into real-world applications still is and will be a cumbersome task, not only due to issues related to transferability of the methodology but also with regard to measured values and their impact on the quality of the product. Another source of difficulties is the absence of a unifying theory which would enable comparison and quantification of individual factors of influence. Despite these problems, valuable findings have been reached both from the academic viewpoint and in terms of practical application and evaluation of surfaces newly created by specially developed “finishing" drills developed and manufactured by the company HOFMEISTER.en
dc.subject.translatedsurface integrityen
dc.subject.translatedmachined surfaceen
dc.subject.translatedresidual stressesen
dc.subject.translatedsurface microstructureen
dc.subject.translatedstrengthened surfaceen
Appears in Collections:Strojírenská technologie - Plzeň 2011 sborník příspěvků
Strojírenská technologie - Plzeň 2011 sborník příspěvků

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