Strojírenská technologie - Plzeň 2011 sborník příspěvků Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Zábranský, Tomáš
Melichar, Martin
Problematika měření velkých průměrů v pracovních podmínkách The paper deals with the measurement of large diameters, the mean diameters of 2 meters. In today's trends when on the market is a large number of different types of modern measuring instruments, is still the issue is very topical. If you look at the measu... |
Výboch, Jozef
Výrostek, Marek
Evin, Emil
Štatistická analýza kvality Fe-Zn povlakovaných plechov pre automobilový priemysel The demands of the automobile industry for the formability, weldability and lacquering of galvanized steel sheet for exterior body panels are constantly growing. To meet these requirements "tailored production of galvanized sheets" can be achieved by sophisticated optimization p... |
Volf, Luděk
Beránek, Libor
Mikeš, Petr
Počítačová simulace ve strojírenské výrobě Computer simulation is one of the tools of the digital factory. Simulation in manufacturing engineering can be used as a means of design and optimalization of manufacturing processes and systems, mainly the reduction of production and investment costs, the ability to fulfill ... |
Řehoř, Jan
Úvodní slovo |
Urban, Marek
Zetek, Miroslav
Česáková, Ivana
Sklenička, Josef
Konstrukce speciální frézy pro obrábění těžkoobrobitelných materiálů Filling and the goal of these work is engineering design and experimental testing of special cassette milling cutter tool with inserts for High Speed Cutting in face milling. Cassette milling cutter is mostly apply for milling cutter with bigger diameter, as are cutter head, o... |
Upmeier, T.
Biermann, D.
Deep hole drilling of thermoplastics The properties of polymers can be adapted to nearly every functional need, so they are getting more and more attention as construction material. Individual and complex shaped parts demand machining operations to achieve the required workpiece quality. A challenge in machining polymers i... |
Tarasovičová, Adriána
Belán, Miroslav
Kasina, Marek
Michalik, Peter
Šomšáková, Zuzana
Sledovanie tvorby triesky pri frézovaní Milling is one of the basic methods of machining where material is removed interrupted cut. A characteristic feature of this operation is that the removed material hasn´t a constant section, the chip thickness is observed. It is a variable. Therefore, medium chip thickness... |
Švec, Jan
Janda, Zdeněk
Řehoř, Jan
Diagnostika stavu obrobeného povrchu na základě sledování třísky This article themed „Diagnostic of state of machined surface based on chip monitoring“deals with relation of machined surface integrity and cutting technology. The main endeavour of study authors was the possibility observes this relationship depending on study of chips. The main goal o... |
Švec, Jan
Janda, Zdeněk
Fulemová, Jaroslava
Řehoř, Jan
Střední povrchová teplota třísky a řezné síly při experimentálním soustružení v režimu HSC The paper deals with the problems of the turning of the alloy steel - 58 HRC. The main attention is focused on the analysis of force load cutting edge with circle inserts from cutting ceramics (indexible inserts - Toshiba Tungaloy LX11) in relation to the median surf... |
Šolc, Marek
Bezpečnosť chemických prevádzok - závažné priemyselné havárie The article deals with the safety of chemical plants, to describe the general trends in the evaluation of major industrial accidents, briefly described the characteristic symptoms of type scenarios, consequences of major industrial accidents and what are the causes of major ... |
Kmec, Ján
Sobotová, Lýdia
Progresívne delenie hydroeróziou Technology of water jet cutting and dividing of high pressure water into two jets present new approaches of shape cutting and dividing of various materials at cold cut without influence of heat-affected zone of material in cutting edge. |
Sklenička, Josef
Kutlwašer, Jan
Redukce šumu při experimentálním měření řezných sil The contribution is aimed to cutting force measuring at machine tools realised by dynamometers. Measured values are distorted by noise from external influences. The distorsion might cause errors in measured values analysis. This problem is solved using a specially designed equipment... |
Šípek, Michal
Čilliková, Mária
Neslušan, Miroslav
Monitoring of tool wear through acoustic emission This paper deals with an application of Acoustic Emission for monitoring of tool wear during hard turning. The results illustrate that the signals of Acoustic Emission and some derived parameters can be applied to monitoring of deformation processes in the cutting zone and... |
Kříž, Antonín
Šimeček, Jiří
Využití Impact testu při studiu integrity povrchu This article discusses a relatively new method of studying of the surface using an unconventional method impact test. An idea of this method is a cyclic impact-loading surface by defined impact energy. Outcome of the test is to investigate the resulting surface morphologies. The... |
Šanda, Libor
Lessons Learned – efektivní nástroj pro zvyšování jakosti výroby v integrovaném systému řízení kvality Lessons Learned (LL) is an efficient tool, how to avoid (repeated) mistakes due to the effective and targeted information and experience transfer not only in the production areas of the industrial companies. The process is based on the principle of learning from own mis... |
Rausch, S.
Marschalkowski, K.
Biermann, D.
High performance surface peel grinding with electroplated CBN wheels In this paper a novel grinding process for replacing conventional surface and creep feed grinding processes is presented. This grinding process is able to achieve high performances in hard machining with high flexibility and high surface finish. In this method a peel grinding proce... |
Pokorný, Peter
Extrahovanie prvkov z CAD dát V tomto príspevku je popísané extrahovanie prvkov z CAD dát. Samotná extrakcia prvkov má veľký význam z pohľadu CAPP systémov a následnej klasifikácie súčiastok. Pri klasifikácii súčiastok z rôznych hľadísk je potrebné mať informácie o prvkoch, z ktorých je súčiastka zložená.... |
Novák, Martin
Holešovský, František
Advanced technology for grinding of aluminium alloys parts In the presents the aluminium and its alloys is doing high advanced technical materials whose proprieties use in the automotive and aerospace industry. In the production of products is effort of producer to production of parts quality and machine with acceptable price. The... |
Netolický, Petr
Mazínová, Ivana
Plánování kvality produktu v předvýrobních etapách The contribution deals with the product quality planning. In relationship to the product development process used quality planning tools are presented. The basic characteristics and recommended way how to use of the quality planning tools are shown as the main content of the... |
Neslušan, Miroslav
Ochodek, Vladislav
Rosipal, Martin
Analysis of some aspects of surface integrity after grinding and hard turning This paper deals with the application of Barkhausen noise for investigation of residual stresses after turning and grinding. Results illustrate the differences in stress distribution after turning and grinding. The analysis of stress state shows that Barkhausen noise can be easily... |
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- Strojírenská technologie