Title: Early teaching techniques in the form of correlations between technique and music: production e-diatonic accordion of the projectwork model PUD-BJ "From idea to product"
Other Titles: Zgodnje uvajanje v tehniko po modelu PUD-BJ "Do ideje do izdelka" v obliko medpredmetne povezave tehnike in glasbe: "Izdelava večnamesnke e-diatonične harmonike"
Authors: Jaka, Rožac
Bezjak, Jožica
Slosar, Mirko
Citation: HONZÍKOVÁ, Jarmila ed.; KROTKÝ, Jan ed. Olympiáda techniky Plzeň 2013 21.–22.5. 2013: sborník příspěvků z mezinárodní studentské odborné a vědecké konference. 1. vyd. Plzeň: Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2013, s. [1-39; 1-2]. ISBN 978-80-261-0144-4.
Issue Date: 2013
Publisher: Západočeská univerzita v Plzni
Document type: konferenční příspěvek
URI: http://www.fpe.zcu.cz/kmt/kat/olympiada_techniky/2013/2013.html
ISBN: 978-80-261-0144-4
Keywords: didaktické techniky;technika;hudba
Keywords in different language: didactic techniques;technique;music
Abstract in different language: V sedanjem sodobnem svetu tehnologije in hitrega napredka, se ljudje večinoma ne ozirajo nazaj v preteklost in tako pozabljajo na izdelke naših dedkov in babic. Nekoč zelo pomembni predmeti krasijo zgolj še kakšno dnevno sobo, oziroma muzej. Moderna tehnologija in sodobni materiali so izdelke, predmete in igrače iz preteklosti bolj ali manj izrinili iz izdelave in uporabe. Prav tako je tudi v družbi prišlo do velikih sprememb in sodobna šola mora omogočiti otroku soustvarjalno sodelovanje in delo po njemu prilagojenih metodah, saj samo preko praktičnih izkušenj, bo otrok nadgradil svoje teoretično znanje, ki mu bo ostalo tudi, ko bo zapustil šolske klopi. Zelo dober primer praktičnega dela je model PUD - BJ, v katerem je prikazan in vpeljan celoten postopek izdelave od ideje do izdelka. Pri izdelavi večnamenske diatonične harmonike se je, po modelu PUD - BJ, tehnologija združila s skoraj dvesto let starim inštrumentom. Glavni namen izdelave harmonike je zgodnje usmerjanje otrok v tehniko in glasbo v obliki medpredmetne povezave ter s tem učenje preko lastnih izkušenj. Na tak način lahko že zgodaj pridobijo interes za nadalnjo poklicno usmeritev in izbiro pravega poklica. Pri tem je zelo pomembna povezanost in angažiranost učiteljev in tudi njihove povezave z učenci, katere pri tem usmerjajo in vodijo, tako da ideja postane izdelek. Izdelava glasbila je tudi medgeneracijski projekt, v katerega so vključeni člani družine, prijatelji in znanci.
Nowadays, in a modern world of high technology and fast rhythm, people do not often look back into the past and might forget the items used by our grandmothers and grandfathers. Things that used to be very important are now reduced to nothing more than decorative objects in living rooms or museums. Modern technology and the use of current materials have more or less completely shadowed traditional objects and toys. Moreover, society has changed and modern schools need to provide the child with an cocreative cooperation and child-oriented teaching methods. The child will only be able to upgrade his theoretical knowledge if he is faced with practical experience and this improved knowledge will remain active long after he exits formal education. A good example of such practical experience is the PUD - BJ model, which implements the whole process of production from the idea to the final product. In the making of a multipurpose diatonic accordion, the PUD-BJ model combined new technology with an almost two hundred years old instrument. The main aim of the accordion production is to achieve early-stage direction of the child into music and crafts by connecting different curriculum subjects with their own experience, arising their interest in a possible future professional direction. Cooperation and motivation of the teacher is essential in this technique, as well as the establishment of a reliable teacher-pupil relationship. The teacher leads and stimulates the child to ensure the development of the original idea into the final product. The making of a traditional musical instrument thus becomes an intergenerational project, since it also involves friends and family..
Rights: © Západočeská univerzita v Plzni
Appears in Collections:Olympiáda techniky Plzeň 2013
Olympiáda techniky Plzeň 2013

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