Název: 3D face recognition performance under adversarial conditions
Autoři: Savran, Arman
Celiktutan, Oya
Akyol, Aydin
Trojanová, Jana
Dibeklioglu, Hamdi
Esenlik, Semih
Bozkurt, Nesli
Demirkir, Cem
Akagunduz, Erdem
Caliskan, Kerem
Alyuz, Nese
Sankur, Bulent
Ulusoy, Ilkay
Akarun, Lale
Sezgin, Tevfik Metin
Citace zdrojového dokumentu: SAVRAM, Arman; CELIKTUTAN, Oya; AKYOL, Aydin [et al.]. 3D face recognition performance under adversarial conditions. In: eNTERFACE'07, 13 July - 7 August, 2009, Genova, Italy. Louvain-la-Neuve: TELE, Universite catholique de Louvain, 2007, p. 87-102. ISBN 978-2-87463-105-4.
Datum vydání: 2007
Nakladatel: TELE, Universite catholique de Louvain
Typ dokumentu: článek
URI: http://www.kky.zcu.cz/cs/publications/SavranArman_2007_3DFaceRecognition
ISBN: 978-2-87463-105-4
Klíčová slova: databáze 3D obličejů;výraz obličeje;obličejový landmarking;rozpoznávání obličeje
Klíčová slova v dalším jazyce: 3D face database;facial expression;facial landmarking;face recognition
Abstrakt v dalším jazyce: We address the question of 3D face recognition and expression understanding under adverse conditions like illumination, pose, and accessories. We therefore conduct a campaign to build a 3D face database including systematic variation of poses, different types of occlusions, and a rich set of expressions. The expressions consist of a judiciously selected subset of Action Units as well as the six basic emotions. The database is designed to enable various research paths from face recognition to facial landmarking and to expression estimation. Preliminary results are presented on the outcome of three different landmarking methods as well as one registration method. As expected, observed non-neutral and non-frontal faces demand new robust algorithms to achieve an acceptable performance.
Práva: © Arman Savran - Oya Celiktutan - Aydın Akyol - Jana Trojanová - Hamdi Dibeklioglu - Semih Esenlik - Nesli Bozkurt - Cem Demirkır - Erdem Akagunduz - Kerem Calıskan - Nese Alyuz - Bulent Sankur - Ilkay Ulusoy - Lale Akarun - Tevfik Metin Sezgin
Vyskytuje se v kolekcích:Články / Articles (KKY)

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