Bakalářské práce / Bachelor´s works (KBS) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Ilková, Tamara
Zín al-´Ábidín bin ´Alí The thesis provides a comprehensive analysis of Ben Ali's rule, the economic situation under his rule, and the protests that led to the fall of his regime during the Arab Spring. |
Siegel, Matyáš
Aktivity Hizballáhu v Evropě a Americe This bachelor thesis examines Hezbollah, also known as the "Party of God". Hezbollah is a Shia Islamist organization founded in Lebanon in 1982 with the assistance of Iran. Hezbollah emerged during the civil war as a primarily military organization, but following the... |
Fous, Martin
Krav Maga - Izraelský sebeobranný systém s československými kořeny This thesis focuses on Krav Maga, an Israeli self-defense system that has gained significant popularity since the 1980s. The paper seeks to provide clarity on Krav Maga's history and development and address misconceptions surrounding the fighting style. It explores the various governing&... |
Kalinová, Natálie
Feministické hnutí v moderním judaismu The bachelor's thesis deals with the relationship of the Jewish faith to feminism. It seeks an answer to whether Judaism is a patriarchal religion and how this society understood the roles of women before and today. It also describes the limitations of Jewish women in ... |
Hort, Jonáš
Zdroje vody v zemích Perského zálivu This bachelor's thesis aims to investigate the water supply issues in the Persian Gulf, with a focus on the situation in Iraq. Specifically, it aims to describe the current challenges facing Iraq's water sector, including the state of its water infrastructure and the effect... |
Stará, Klára
Syřané v Evropě po roce 2011: integrační strategie v Německu The bachelor thesis deals with integration, integration plans, and strategies in Germany. The main objective was to find out, based on the defined integration factors (social integration, economic integration, education, and language skills), how successful the integration of Syrian refugees is... |
Abramuszkinová, Anna
Hlavní architektonické rysy a struktura historických paláců, mešit a náboženských budov na území tureckého Istanbulu. The bachelor thesis deals with the issue of architectural features and structures of historical palaces, mosques and religious buildings in the territory of Istanbul, Turkey. The work is devoted only to Ottoman architecture during the period of 36 sultans, or any architectural changes... |
Hvolka, Kryštof
Alawité This bachelor thesis is focused on the history and religion of the Nusayris/Alawis. This thesis explores the major historical figures, geographic distribution, political influence and religious doctrines, holidays, and practices of the Nusayri/Alawi communities. The first chapter discusses... |
Vrážek, Vilém
Československo-izraelské vztahy mezi lety 1948 a 1967 The aim of this bachelor thesis is to describe and understand the development of bilateral Czechoslovak-Israeli relations between 1948 and 1967. The relations between the two countries in the span of these years can be considered as rapidly changing, abundant in the number of ... |
Ptáková, Anna
Astronomie a astrologie starověké Mezopotámie The bachelor thesis deals with the development of astronomy and astrology in ancient Mesopotamia, as well as their use in practice and influence on modern society. |
Hyková, Barbora
Bůh Enki/Ea v mezopotamské tradici The aim of this thesis is to characterize and present the figure of the god Enki/Ea and his function in the Mesopotamian pantheon. It will discuss his origins, shed light on the various names by which he was called, will observe the development and changing status... |
Kordová, Alice
Dúr-Šarrukín This bachelors thesis focuses on Neo-Assyrian town Dúr-Šarrukín and on its builder, king Sargon II. Sargon II probably was the son of Tiglath-Pileser III, ruling from 722 BC to 705 BC. He was known as a great warrior, ruler, builder and founder, due to his conquests ... |
Caruso, Natálie
Muslimská komunita v italském Metropolitním městě Bologna The main goal of this bachelor thesis is to present the current situation of islam in italian Metropolitan City of Bologna. First part of this work covers the history and present of complicated relations between islam and the state, second part tries to describe the way... |
Ludačková, Dagmar
Vztah Asýrie a Urartu v 8. století př. n. l. se zaměřením na období Tiglatpilesara III. a Sargona II. This thesis deals with the rivalry between the Assyrian Empire and the Kingdom of Urartu during the 8th century BC with a special focus on eras of Tiglath-Pileser III and Sargon II. It covers the circumstances and development of the international political situation in norther... |
Hanzlová, Karolína
Zvláštní tribunál pro Libanon The bachelor thesis is focusing on the impact of the existence and functioning of the Special Tribunal for Lebanon on the Lebanese politics. Based on relevant sources the thesis is examining the relation between the procedural steps of the court and the reactions of politician... |
Malá, Klára
Vývoj elektronické hudby od konce 80. let až do současnosti na území Izraele My bachelor thesis focuses on the description of electronic music scene in Israel, especially on the Trance genre and its sub-genres. In the theoretical part I explain the terminology within the psytrance culture and I also explain important terms like synthesizer or sampler. I... |
Ramadan, Veronika
Významné ženy v rané historii islámu My bachelor thesis is focused on three significant women of the early historical period of Islam, namely Khadijah bint Khuwaylid, Fatima az-Zahra and bint Abu Bakr. This thesis documents their lives, crucial contributions and sacrifices they made to Islam. I have decided to&... |
Chval, Vladislav
Gibraltar za muslimské vlády The aim of my Bachelor Thesis is to describe as much as possible all the sieges of Gibraltar. The only ones which were between Christendom and Muslims. I will describe each siege separately and describe the circumstances which led to each battle. Each battle was... |
Krejčí, Daniel
Jordánsko-palestinské vztahy na pozadí událostí Černého září This bachelor's thesis is focused on conflict between Palestinian fedayeen and Jordanian regime in 1970, which is known as Black September. The thesis aims to map the development of mutual relations of both mentioned sides from Six-days war till the half of following decade.... |
Holzäpflová, Barbora
Turecká jazyková reforma za vlády Mustafy Kemala Atatürka This bachelor thesis deals with Turkish language reform during the first Turkish president Kemal Atatürk. The thesis explains why Ottoman Turkish became unsuitable for the needs of the newly formed state, how the changes that were made on the basis of this reform were put ... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Vysokoškolské kvalifikační práce / Theses
- Fakulta filozofická / Faculty of Philosophy and Art
- Katedra blízkovýchodních studií / Department of Middle Eastern Studies
- 220 bakalářská práce
- 32 2020 - 2024
- 188 2012 - 2019