Katedra germanistiky / Department Germanic studies
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Poslední příspěvky
Polláková, Nicole
Linguistische Aspekte der Stadtverwaltung anhand der Beispiele von PR-Mitteln der Landeshauptstadt Stuttgart. The topic of this bachelor thesis is the research of the linguistic aspects of PR-resources, which the city of Stuttgart opens for the propagation of its activities to the public. Characteristics of the terms "PR" and "urban administrative" are subsequently applied to... |
Rothová, Klára
Anglicismy v českých a německých textech. Srovnání textů konkrétní tematické oblasti. The aim of my Bachelor thesis was an analysis of Anglicisms in contemporary Czech and German sports journalism. We chose the record into a glossary for evaluation of the research, in which are explained specific found words of English origin in points and preference either... |
Zmeškalová, Pavla
Germanismen im Werk von Václav Čtvrtek - Kontextanalyse mit einem Glossar The aim of the work Germanisms in the work of Václav Čtvrtek - contextanalysis with a glossary is the analysis of germanisms in the work Rumcajs. The theoretical part deals with the author Václav Čtvrtek, the place Jičín where the story of Rumcajs takes place and the... |
Schulze, Annette
Die interkulturellen Implikationen der EU-Förderprogramme Erasmus und Erasmus+ This work presents mobility programs supported by the EU. It focuses mainly on the programs Erasmus and Erasmus+ and their intercultural effects on students participating in the programs. |
Kukla, Josef
Sprachliche und inhaltliche Analyse von auf Deutsch verfassten Prospekten aus dem Bereich des Fremdenverkehrs in der Region Cheb/Eger. The bachelor thesis concerned with the linguistic and content analysis of german written texts from the field of tourism in Cheb region. The goal is to present the Cheb region to the reader and to do the linguistic and content analysis of texts from the field of ... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Vysokoškolské kvalifikační práce / Theses
- Fakulta filozofická / Faculty of Philosophy and Art