Název: Probability and sensitivity analysis of machine foundation and soil interaction
Autoři: Králik, Juraj
Králik, Juraj jr.
Citace zdrojového dokumentu: Applied and Computational Mechanics. 2009, vol. 3, no. 1, p. 87-100.
Datum vydání: 2009
Nakladatel: University of West Bohemia
Typ dokumentu: článek
URI: http://www.kme.zcu.cz/acm/index.php/acm/article/view/81/23
ISSN: 1802-680X (Print)
2336-1182 (Online)
Klíčová slova: klasická mechanika;dynamika základních strojů;matematický model;teorie pravděpodobnosti
Klíčová slova v dalším jazyce: classical mechanics;dynamics of machine bases;mathematical model;probability theory
Abstrakt: This paper deals with the possibility of the sensitivity and probabilistic analysis of the reliability of the machine foundation depending on variability of the soil stiffness, structure geometry and compressor operation. The requirements to design of the foundation under rotating machines increased due to development of calculation method and computer tools. During the structural design process, an engineer has to consider problems of the soil-foundation and foundation-machine interaction from the safety, reliability and durability of structure point of view. The advantages and disadvantages of the deterministic and probabilistic analysis of the machine foundation resistance are discussed. The sensitivity of the machine foundation to the uncertainties of the soil properties due to longtime rotating movement of machine is not negligible for design engineers. On the example of compressor foundation and turbine fy. SIEMENS AG the affectivity of the probabilistic design methodology was presented. The Latin Hypercube Sampling (LHS) simulation method for the analysis of the compressor foundation reliability was used on program ANSYS. The 200 simulations for five load cases were calculated in the real time on PC. The probabilistic analysis gives us more complex information about the soil-foundation-machine interaction as the deterministic analysis.
Práva: © 2009 University of West Bohemia. All rights reserved.
Vyskytuje se v kolekcích:Volume 3, number 1 (2009)
Volume 3, number 1 (2009)

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