Katedra sociologie / Department of Sociology
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Rašková, Michaela
Přístup seniorů k finanční krizi v roce 2023/24 At the beginning of 2023 the Czech Republic began to experience symptoms of the financial crisis, which were influenced by global and local factors. The cohort of seniors has been identified by the media and society as the vulnerable group that may be most affected by... |
Trofymovych, Anna
Sociodemografický portrét cizinců v České republice The diploma work focuses on the current topic of migration and the description of the foreigner in the Czech Republic. Migration in the Czech Republic is never ending and therefore it is important to know the characteristics of persons with the status of a national of... |
Lederer, Vladimír
BANKSY, Diskurzivní repertoáry obsažené v díle streetartového umělce Banksy This work deals with the analysis of the graffiti of the street art artist performing under the pseudonym Banksy. The aim of the work is to identify and describe the works that Banksy created in Ukraine in response to the war launched by the Russian Federation on... |
Leščinská, Aneta
Proměna v pojetí religiozity v populaci odsouzených po přechodu do Otevřené věznice Prisons represent a very specific environment in which prisoners are isolated from the outside world, causing them to experience various types of deprivation during their imprisonment. In order to alleviate these deprivations, they use various techniques and strategies that allow them to... |
Tábořík, Filip
Komparace postojů zavedených a nových uživatelů fitness center In today's world fitness is a widespread phenomenon closely associated with both the visual appearance of individuals and their mental well-being or healthy lifestyle. The aim of the bachelor's thesis is to compare established and new users in the field of fitness and their... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Vysokoškolské kvalifikační práce / Theses
- Fakulta filozofická / Faculty of Philosophy and Art
- 353 bakalářská práce
- 101 diplomová práce
- 164 2020 - 2024
- 290 2012 - 2019