Bakalářské práce / Bachelor´s works (KHV) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Vacikar, Daniel
Budování transkontinentální železnice v USA v 60. letech 19. století. The bachelor thesis focuses on the building of the Transcontinental Railroad in the USA in the 1860s. In particular, the thesis describes the situation in the U.S. prior to the start of construction and then the actual process of building the railroad. The work in itself&... |
Fládr, Jaroslav
Operace Dunaj The thesis deals with Operation Danube, the invasion of Czechoslovakia by Warsaw Pact troops in August 1968, and its consequences from a historical, political and social point of view. The aim of the thesis is to provide a comprehensive overview of this key event of the... |
Kaňák, Ondřej
Protinacistický odboj na Písecku The thesis deals with the paratroop landing, which was carried out by three agents of the INTRANSITIVE group, and the fate of the inhabitants of the village of Bernartice in Písek, who tragically died during the so-called second martial law at the Klatovy shooting range i... |
Fiala, Tomáš
101. výsadková divize v bitvě v Ardenách Bachelor thesis is focused on the role of the 101st airborne division of the United states army during the battle of the Ardennes (battle of the bulge). It was the last attempt of Adolf Hitler to change the results of 2nd world war. The division was situated aro... |
Průcha, Matěj
Vévoda z Wellingtonu: Vzestup jednoho z nejlepších stratégů britských dějin The aim of this thesis is to analyse military career and to outline the course of Arthur Wellesley´s most famous battles from the French Revolutionary Wars from the british perspective to the Peninsular War. The author puts the research question the psychological and military ... |
Blažek, Ondřej
Meziválečné československé lehké opevnění The bachelor's thesis will deal with the interwar Czechoslovak light fortifications, which were massively built in the years 1936-1938 for the purpose of defending Czechoslovakia before Nazi Germany. The author divides the work into several chapters. The main part will be devoted to... |
Líbal, Matěj
Československá známková tvorba a filatelie období počátku první Československé republiky. This thesis delves into the beginnings of stamp making and philately in Czechoslovakia between 1918 and 1923. Its aim is to summarize this very confusing and experimental period in the history of postal administration. The author seeks to answer the research question: ... |
Schmid, Martin
Válečný střet u Těšova na Chebsku v roce 1945 In the opening part, the author briefly discusses the historical development of the locality and moves to the broader context of the development of Cheb after 1938. In the second chapter, he describes the arrival of the US Army in the region and the conquest of Cheb.... |
Kondrová, Dominika
Železnice na Slovensku v rokoch 1945-1980 The thesis focuses on the development of railways and life on the railways in Slovakia between 1945 and 1980. It also provides a brief history of railways in the region. One section of the work discusses the technical aspects of the most famous steam locomotives. In ... |
Straková, Monika
Příprava operace Anthropoid The bachelor thesis deals with the preparation of Operation Anthropoid. The main aim of this thesis is to present the thorough preparation for the attack on the Acting Reich Protector Reinhard Heydrich. The preparation for this action took place not only in Great Britain, but&... |
Blažková, Lenka
Velká Británie a její postoj k Ženevskému protokolu The aim of this undergraduate thesis is to highlight collective security in the 1920s, and how the UK contributed to this issue. The author's thesis focuses on mapping the events that supported the creation of the Geneva Protocol and the subsequent events that took place... |
Foist, Ondřej
Indiánský kmen Čerokijů v první polovině 19. století This thesis describe the history of the Cherokee tribe. Thesis contains the firs documented meetings of white man with Cherokee indians, thus their disputions with the european colonial powers. The next part of this thesis is written about modern democratic Cherokee Nation, its gra... |
Plecitá, Lucie
Ženy v letu aneb fenomén aviatiky v Československu a v zahraničí v první třetině 20. století The aim of the bachelor thesis is to introduce the reader to the pioneers of aviation in the first third of the 20th century. The careers of individual women aviators are presented in clear medallions. The thesis focuses on aviation in the first third of the 20th... |
Jakubčíková, Adéla
Cesta ke vzniku České a Slovenské republiky po roce 1989 The Bachelor Thesis - The Road to the Establishment of the Czech and Slovak Republic after 1989 captures the causes of the collapse of the Czech and Slovak Federative Republic. On 1 January 2023, thirty years passed since the dissolution of the Czech&... |
Helebrantová, Alžběta
Volby do Frankfurtu v Čechách v roce 1848 The bachelor's thesis "The Elections to Frankfurt in Bohemia in 1848" deals with the topic of the first German parliament. It traces the development of the idea of German unification and the influence of the idea on Central Europe in the revolution of 1848-1849.... |
Pechmann, Jakub
Runcimanova mise do Československa The bachelor thesis deals with the Runciman Mission and its impact on the international politics of Great Britain and Czechoslovakia. It charts the individual negotiations between the Sudeten German Party and the Czechoslovak government during which representatives of the British mission wer... |
Philipp, Bedřich
Bitva u Jutska 1916 - největší námořní bitva první světové války The thesis discusses the Battle of Jutland, which took place from 31 May to 1 June 1916, and its debatable outcome. It goes on to describe the most important events and clashes that occurred at sea before the battle. It also discusses the forces of Great Britain ... |
Marková, Adéla
Počátky daktyloskopie. K historickému vývoji kriminalistické metody The bachelor thesis focuses on the historical development of dactyloscopy, especially on the period of the turn of the 19th and 20th century, which is inseparably connected with the beginnings of modern criminalistic methods, including dactyloscopy. The main aim of the thesis is to... |
Hirschová, Tereza
Ženy v letectvu ve 2. světové válce The bachelor thesis will be about members of aerial, bomber and auxiliary forces in World War 2. The work will be focused on forces in the United Kingdom, the United States of America, Soviet Russia, but also on czechoslovakian women who served abroad. The author ch... |
Pflégrová, Tereza
Darwinova cesta k přirozenému výběru he bachelor's thesis focuses on Charles Darwin's observations and discoveries on the second voyage of the Beagle, which led him to formulate his own theory of evolution. The bachelor's thesis describes Darwin's complex journey to the discovery of natural selection. This ... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Vysokoškolské kvalifikační práce / Theses
- Fakulta filozofická / Faculty of Philosophy and Art
- Katedra historických věd / Department of Historical Sciences