Bakalářské práce / Bachelor´s works (KAP) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky

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Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 221 až 240 z 945
Bílek, Oldřich
Zahraniční politika "všech azimutů" v agendě Miloše Zemana

In my work I will deal with issue of whether Miloš Zeman in his agenda fulfills (by himself often mentioned) "foreign policy of all azimuths", with stress on three important actors on the international scene (United States of America, Russian Federation and People´s Repub...

Šťastná, Anežka
Politicko-geografické důsledky šestidenní války

This bachelor's thesis called Political-geographical consequences of the Six-Day War aims to find the reasons that led Israel to seize the territory of the Sinai Peninsula, Gaza Strip, West Bank, East Jerusalem, and the Golan Heights. It also aims to find out the values of...

Doležalová, Petra
Liberální feminismus Simone de Beauvoir a Betty Friedan - komparativní analýza a kritická reflexe

The presented work called "Simone de Beauvoir's and Betty Friedan's - A Comparative Analysis and Critical Reflection" is mainly focused on the important ideas of these authors, which were written in their most important works The Feminine Mystique by Betty Friedan and ...

Paulová, Dominika
11.září 2001 v kontextu konspiračních teorií americké zahraniční politiky

The aim of this Bachelor's thesis is to define conspiracy theories and to write down which conspiracy theories about 9/11 exist. On that account, I will focus on the best-known theories of 9/11 that have begun to appear on websites or in many publications. Some&#...

Svobodová, Jiřina
Odkaz Mnichovské konference (1938) na současnou zahraniční politiku USA

The thesis shows the ways, how presidents of the United States justified their steps and actions in conection with army interventions. Also briefly shows the life of choosen presidents and their experiences. Next part is discription of conflict, in which they had to intervened....

Písecký, Patrik
Arménie jako geograficky znevýhodněný stát

This bachelor thesis is focused on Armenia and its geographical disadvantaged position. The thesis deals with how is geographical disadvantage of the country influencing its economic situation and how it affects Armenian foreign policy.It describes a process of economic and diplomatic relati...

Hait, Tomáš
Bezpečnostní a strategická spolupráce USA s arabskými státy v Perském zálivu

In this bachelor thesis, the student is dedicated to security and strategic cooperation between the United States of America and the Arabian Gulf States, from which the student is dedicated to Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. In the student's chosen research period&#x...

Šreková, Gabriela
Nevládní organizace jako partneři kanadské zahraniční politiky

Main aim of this bachelor thesis is to analyze shaping of the relations between Canadian foreign policy and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) during periods of both - the liberal and conservative parties. By analyzing the literature in the first chapter I tried to find a ty...

Suchá, Petra
Instituce monarchie v soudobých evropských systémech

The topic of my bachelor thesis is the Institution of Monarchy in Contemporary European Systems. In my work, I focused on researching the powers of monarchs in six European parliamentary monarchies. Kingdoms with a parliamentary monarchy include Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Belgium, the Net...

Málek, Ondřej
Islám a migrace jako témata českých senátních voleb v roce 2018

The main aim of this body of work is to analyse the voting campaigns for candidates of the Freedom and Direct Democracy party - Tomio Okamura (SPD) before the elections to the Senate of the Parliament of the Czech Republic in 2018 which will help contrib...

Eichinger, Jonáš
Syrská občanská válka - bojiště mocenského soupeření regionálních i mimoregionálních aktérů

The aim of this bachelor thesis is to explain which regional and extra-regional state actors use the Syrian civil war as a battlefield for mutual power rivalry and how these power clashes affect its course. The results in the work are achieved by analyzing bilateral or&#x...

Hlushakova, Aryna
Zahraničně politické programy britských politických stran v době referenda o odchodu UK z EU

The identity crisis for the British nation is a phenomenon with a deep historical roots and long tradition. In the first part of this work I describe four traditional directions of British orientation, which was first mentioned by Timothy Garton Ash in his book and essays...

Rybková, Xenie
San Marino a Itálie - případová studie perforace státního území

The main goal of my bachelor thesis was to find out, based on the analysis of historical events and the present, the impact on San Marino's internal and foreign policy of perforating the territory of Italy and forming the so-called enclave. Events such as the rise...

Huretskaya, Marharyta
Analýza vztahů mezi USA a rostoucími mocnostmi případová studie vztahů mezi USA a Íránskou islámskou republikou

This bachelor thesis deals with the analysis of relations between the US and the emerging power of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the impact of their relations on Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Israel and Syria. The main aim of this bachelor thesis is to find out the na...

Antošová, Kristýna
Populismus v českém kontextu: Analýza rétorických strategií vybraného aktéra

The presented thesis is a qualitative analysis of rhetoric strategies of a selected actor, which in this case is the current Czech president Miloš Zeman. This actor is often labeled (by media or by scientific public) as a populist politician due to his statements and expr...

Šteflíčková, Karolína
Vývoj rusko-čínských vztahů: spojenci, nebo rivalové?

The aim of this bachelor thesis was to investigate relations between China and Russia during the period from 1991 to 2018 and then to assess whether it is more about rivals or allies. The thesis characterizes the sphere of cooperation and the sphere where it should b...

Čech, Jakub
Putinovo Rusko - demokracie, hybridní režim nebo autoritarismus?

The aim of this work was to determine what type of regime is currently under the rule of Vladimir Putin in the Russian Federation. I first set out the definitions of a democratic, hybrid and authoritarian regime by which I analyzed the current Russian regime. I mainl...

Křížek, Adam
Brazilsko-africké vztahy po nástupu Lula da Silvy

The aim of this bachelor thesis is to find out how the relations between the Federative Republic of Brazil and Africa have changed after the ascension of Lula da Silva. The first chapter records the transformation of Brazil into regional power, its stagnation between 2015 ...

Šturcová, Nikola
Analýza kampaně v prezidentských volbách 2018 v ČR: Klíčová témata

This bachelor thesis is focused on the 2018 presidential campaign in the Czech republic, its main subjects and the way how all of the candidates took their chances to set their own individual agenda. I claim that there were only few candidates who even tried to find&...

Talalenko, Maria
Politika EU vůči kvazinezávislým územím region Jižní Kavkaz

This bachelor thesis, called EU policy towards quasi-independent territories, analyzes the European Union's attitudes towards South Caucasus quasi-states. The aim of this work is to answer questions whether and how EU policy is applied in the South Caucasus region and local quasi-states,...

Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 221 až 240 z 945