Bakalářské práce / Bachelor´s works (KBI) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Kaufnerová, Pavlína
Prevence vzniku zubního kazu u dětí v předškolním věku The work is divided into two parts, on the theoretical and practical part. In the theoretical part of the work I Anatomy and physiology of the oral cavity, caries prevention and education of children in the pre-school age. In the practical part of the problem as the&... |
Boltíková, Dagmar
Příspěvek k flóře a vegetaci Hromnického jezírka a okolních výsypek po těžbě kamenečných břidlic The aim of the Bachelor?s work was to work up the generic lists for the examined territory and characteristic of the vegetation. In the theoretical part of the Bachelor?s work the selected area was characterized followed by the history of the area. Hromnice lake is floode... |
Kondrysová, Eva
Botanický průzkum VN Klabava (okr. Rokycany) A water reservoir Klabava is located in Pilsener region 6 km from district town Rokycany. It has been built on the Klabava river flowing there. It is used for retention and recreation purposes nowadays. A biodiversity exploration of plant vegetation took place in this area... |
Hůlová, Lenka
Malakofauna údolí Červeného potoka na Komárovsku This thesis presents the results of an inventory research of the malacofauna in the Červený creek valley in the Komárov area. The research was conducted from May to November 2012 and 19 localities have been examined. Nine of these localities are aquatic and ten of them... |
Puchmertlová, Michaela
Vážky (Odonata) soustavy Boleveckých rybníků v Plzni Inventory research of dragonflies occuring at Bolevec ponds in Plzeň during the 2012 season. Three localites were chosen. Strženka, Nováček and Kamenný pond. 24 species were found. Work was divided into three parts. Teoretical part, practical part and part including results, discussion ... |
Formanová, Ivana
Arachnofauna Kozčínského rybníka u Pačejova, Klatovsko During 2010 and 2012 there was conducted spider fauna Kozčínského pond. There were used not only basic entomological collection methods, but also less frequent collection using pitfall traps. The research has obtained a total of 458 spiders, one of which was determined ... |
Pfeifferová, Andrea
Sezónní dynamika epifytických pavouků na lokalitě Horňáčkova louka The thesis is concerned with monitoring of epiphytic spiders and their seasonal dynamics in the location of Hornacek´meadow located in the Slavkovsky les Nature Reserve. The survey took place in years 2011 and 2012. |
Kreidlová, Veronika
Sezónní dynamika zooplanktonu rybníka Vydymáček u Plzně Zooplankton of pond Vydymáček near Plzeň was studied in 2012. Seasonal dynamics of zooplankton association of limnetic zone and littoral zone were compared. Reasults were given in relation to some abiotics and biotics factors of environment. |
Kovaříková, Irena
Ichtyofauna horního a středního toku Lužnice: dynamika, ohrožení a management In the summer 2012, was performed ichthyological research of the lower and the middle sections of the river Lužnice. The purpose was to identify fish species that occur in the individual profiles of the river Lužnice, the current condition of fish species, their lenght structu... |
Marianová, Kateřina
Výskyt raka kamenáče v Plzeňském kraji The research, which was the basis of this work, was conducted in Pilsen Region in the years 2011-2012.29 streams were monitored with their 63 sections. On two streams (4 sections), there was no representative of the species Austropotamobius torrentium in any year of this monit... |
Geigerová, Tereza
Mykologický průzkum PP Chudenická bažantnice My bachelor thesis deals with biodiversity of fungi in the protected area of Chudenická bažantnice Nature Monument. This locality is situated in western Bohemia approximatly 40 km from Pilsen. There are dominant trees - oak and ash. The research is focused especially on fungi ... |
Valdmanová, Lucie
Morfologie raka kamenáče v České republice The research was conducted in the years 2011 - 2012 at eight territory in the western, central and northern Bohemia. Total of 283 individuals were captured, they were measured plastic signs, which were subsequently analyzed. The objective of this work was to find the basic... |
Nolčová, Lucie
Řasová společenstva zatopených lomů v okolí Štěnovic This bachelor's thesis deals with algological research of two flooded quarries situated near the town Štěnovice in the west part of the Czech Republic. Objectives of this work were to make an inventory of algae species, monitoring of pH, conductivity and seasonal dynamics of... |
Koudelka, Tomáš
Příspěvek k flóře a vegetaci Dobříva The Bachelor´s thesis focused on a study of flora and vegetation in the village Dobriv. The exploration of ruderal and invasive plant species was conducted in this lokality. A list of species for village was made based on the data obtained on site and for invasive... |
Beneš, Vladimír
Mapování ruderální flóry se zvláštním zřetelem na invazní druhy v Plzni - Bukovci a Chlumku, mapové listy: Plzeň 7-3/4 a Plzeň 6-3/3 The Bachelor Work engages in mapping of the ruderal flora with a special regards on invasive species in the town districts Pilsen 4- Chlumek and Bolevec. The map grids of Pilsen 7-3/4 and Pilsen 6-3/3 were specifically observed. The area of each observed location was... |
Mazancová, Barbora
Floristické zpracování dat z lokality Koubský potok v okrese Domažlice The goal of my bachelor thesis is to make a list of higher plants in the territory along the brook named Kouba. The research was done in two growing seasons in the years 2011 and 2012. The research was focused on plants from all vegetation layers, except for... |
Kybicová, Tereza
Vážky (Odonata) rybníků u Letin (Západní Čechy) The main goals of this research are firstly to find out species composition of dragonflies at monitored localities and secondly to find out population density during the vegetation season. In next phase I supposed to find out seasonal phenology of monitored localities. Three locali... |
Hejlová, Simona
Vodní a mokřadní malakofauna okolí Hrádku a Mirošova na Rokycansku The bachelor work presents results of the inventory research of a fresh-water and wetland malacofauna of Hrádek and Mirošov vicinity of the Rokycany area. The research took place in 28 localities between July, 2012 and October, 2012. Twenty-eight species hade been observed, ... |
Plzáková, Luďka
Mapování ruderální flóry se zvláštním zřetelem na invazní druhy v Plzni - Slovany, mapové listy: Plzeň 8-5/3 a Plzeň 8-5/4 This work deals with a mapping of ruderal flora focusing on the invasive plants in the city part Plzeň 2 - Slovany. Two map sheets Plzeň 8-5/3 and Plzeň 8-5/4 were monitored. The list of plant species was taken from both mapped area. All found species ... |
Žampachová, Barbora
Ruderální flóra a vegetace Karlových Varů The aim was to give a picture of the ruderal flora in Karlovy Vary. The work is focused on the central part of the city, which includes five city parts. The city was also divided according to type of buildings. It was made a complete inventory of generic hi... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Vysokoškolské kvalifikační práce / Theses
- Fakulta pedagogická / Faculty of Education
- Katedra biologie / Department of Biology