Bakalářské práce / Bachelor´s works (KBI) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Hrdličková, Pavlína
Ostnokožci v učebnicích a dětských encyklopediích The purpose of my thesis consisted in the compilation of available information on echinoderms in textbooks for elementary and secondary schools, in higher education teaching materials, encyclopedias and nonfiction books. In studied 56 publications, 11 encyclopedias, 14 nonfiction books and ... |
Hajšmanová, Petra
Mykologický průzkum PR Borek u Velhartic This bachelor work presents result of mycological research in protected area Borek u Velhartic. It is situated near Velhartice in Klatovy District in Pilsen Region. Research has been made from March 2011 to April 2012. I found 162 species of macromycetes, 21 species of them... |
Pacovská, Eva
Mapování ruderální flóry se zvláštním zřetelem na invazní druhy v Plzni - Malesicích, mapové listy: Stříbro 1 - 3/2 a Stříbro 0 - 3/1 This bachelor thesis on the topic of mapping of ruderal flora is focused on invasive species, was entered by the Department of biology FPE ZČU in Plzeň by MRS RNDr. Mgr. Zdeňkou Chocholouškovou, Ph.D, which i salso the supervisor of my thesis. The aim was research of... |
Bezuchová, Markéta
Mapování ruderální flóry se zvláštním zřetelem na invazní druhy v Plzni - Malesicích, mapové listy : Stříbro 1 - 2/4 a Stříbro 0 - 2/3 The Bachelor thesis is focused on the study of ruderal flora with a special respect to invasive species on the mapped area Stříbro 1 ? 2/4 and Stříbro 0 ? 2/3. Mapped lists represent the part of the village Malesice which is 9th district of the city of... |
Chaloupka, Marek
Současný stav populace mlžů (Bivalvia, Unionidae) ve dvou rybnících: Malý Bolevecký rybník a Senecký rybník This bachelor thesis was dealing with the research of water molluscs in the Bolevec lake system. The research took place in the localities of Malý bolevecký rybník and Senecký rybník between 2010 and 2011. Both of these lakes are important recreation and fishing areas. The... |
Čechová, Kateřina
Koncepce informací o tropických plodinách v učebnicích a dětských encyklopediích The aim of this thesis was to evaluate information on tropical crops listed in textbooks, children's encyclopedias and children's atlases. In the practical part was prepared research publications that have been chosen to hit the two time periods. The first is dated from the... |
Kokošková, Kristýna
Srovnávací studie ruderální flóry Blovic v okrese Plzeň-jih I made my research ruderal flora Blovice with the already processed and the work was built on three written works (Nygrýnová 1975, Mukenšnáblová 1995, Strejčková 2005), when there was a comparison of results. The number of plant species found stabilized but thanks to previous ... |
Jandáková, Miriam
Současný stav populace mlžů (Bivalvia, Uniodae) ve dvou rybnících: Velký Bolevecký rybník, Třemošenský rybník This study examinated population of molluscs in two localities on the outskirts of the city of Pilsen. Big Bolevec pond is important recreational locality, where was made biomanipulation with application chemicals. Třemošenský pond is small pond with low fish population and plentiful ve... |
Livinková, Zuzana
Sinicová a řasová flóra ve vybraných vodních nádrží v přírodním parku Manětínská My bachelor´s work deals with biodiversity of cyanobacteria and algae in water reservoirs in Manětín Nature Park and also it deals with their seasonal dynamics. There is list of all found species in my work. The results were compared to works, which are engaged with simil... |
Pražanová, Barbora
Malakofauna Boleveckých rybníků v Plzni The main topic of this work is the research of malacofauna within the area called Bolevecke rybniky. The research was realized from June 2011 to February 2012. Molluscs were collected in 16 localities. Totally, about 1580 molluscs were collected. The theoretical part describes rese... |
Sádlíková, Martina
Mykologický průzkum PR Dlouhý vrch v Českém lese The theme of this work is mycological inventory survey in Dlouhý vrchl Nature Reserve. The aim was to create a list of species found and shaped by, their systematic classification, a brief description of the macroscopic and microscopic signs of growth and ecology. |
Viová, Pavlína
Vliv uzavřené hranice na fytocenózy lidských sídel na příkladu obce Domažlice This bachelor thesis is focused on studies of ruderal flora in the Domažlice town. Research was realized from July 2011 to June 2012. In town was found 367 kinds of plants. These plants belong to 82 families. The highes number of representatives had family of Asteraceae... |
Mikolášková, Tereza
Příspěvek k synantropní vegetaci obce Chodov v okrese Sokolov This research is about synantrophic vegetation of Chodova Karlovy Vary. It deals with the occurrence of flora on different places and the trans-part of town construction and also the occurrence of invasive or of protected species on this territory during the same growing period.... |
Batrla, Lukáš
Naučná stezka v Přírodním parku Přebuz Bachelor thesis proposes a nature trail with educative focus in natural park Přebuz. Three kilometers long route starts from the village of Přebuz and goes approximately northwards past Přebuzské moor natural monument, around the river Rolava and an extinct village of the same name... |
Poustková, Jana
Floristické zpracování dat z lokality Jelení vrch v okrese Chomutov This bachelor work is about plants on Jelení vrch. It lies near Kadaň in Chomutov district in Ústecký region. I made research there from April 2011 to January 2012. I was there on ten excursions during this vegetative season. On Jelení vrch I found 88 genera plants.&... |
Rasulov, Sarvar
Malakofauna nivy řeky Mže v Plzni - Lochotíně Determine the current status of snail in the valley of the river Mije in Pilsen - Lochotín. The phonemanan of territory by the spheres of its geographical, geological and geomorphological items. |
Benediktová, Lenka
Kudlanky (Mantodea) a problematika jejich chovu The paper deals with the breeding of mantis species (Insecta, Mantodea). Basic information concernig the order Mantodea including short characteristics of particular families is given in the introductory part. Besides morphology, anatomy, living and reproduction of mantis species are described in... |
Říha, Petr
Morfologie, biologie a výskyt brouků čeledi Silphidae (Coleoptera) v různých biotopech v okolí města Blovice The work is focused on the biodiversity of the family Silphidae beetles and their seasonal dynamics. The first part describes the characteristics of the monitored area. In the part Metodika are the methods used for collection and determination of beetles. The next part describes... |
Krejčíková, Aneta
Malakofauna údolí Vejprnického potoka v Plzni This bachelor work presents results of aquatic malacofauna research in the valley of Vejprnický potok creek in Pilsen, a right-side tributary of Mže River. Research has been made from March, 2011 to November, 2011. The localities studied are located in the bottom in the creek,... |
Červená, Lucie
Řasová a sinicová flóra Výškovického potoka v Slavkovském lese This bachelor work deals with algal and cyanobacterial flora of Výškovický brook. There is a list of all found species, their diversity and seasonal dynamics. The results were compared with results of other research sites dealing with the issues of Phycological flora brooks. |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Vysokoškolské kvalifikační práce / Theses
- Fakulta pedagogická / Faculty of Education
- Katedra biologie / Department of Biology