Title: Regular triangulation in 3D and its applications: technical report no. DCSE/TR-2009-03
Authors: Zemek, Michal
Issue Date: 2009
Publisher: University of West Bohemia in Pilsen
Document type: zpráva
URI: http://www.kiv.zcu.cz/publications/
Keywords: Delaunayho triangulace;datová struktura;biochemie
Keywords in different language: Delaunay triangulation;data structures;biochemistry
Abstract in different language: The Delaunay triangulation is one of the fundamental data structures of the computational geometry. The regular triangulation is its gener alization, which reflects the weights of the input points. This work is focused on three-dimensional regular triangulations within the context of the dynamic variable data, and on the applications of regular triangulations for the biochemistry. In the first part, we describe several algorithms for construction of regular triangulations and also algorithms allowing to delete points in regular triangulations. Furthermore we discuss the problem of maintaining kinetic and dynamic triangulations. In the second part, we describe in detail how regular triangulations can be used in biochemistry in the search for channels (cavities) in protein molecules. In the third part, we show the results of our research – we describe our method of computation of channels in dynamic proteins and a novel algorithm for point deletion in regular triangulations. Finally we sketch our future work.
Rights: © University of West Bohemia in Pilsen
Appears in Collections:Zprávy / Reports (KIV)

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