Číslo 1-2 (2014) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Kout, Jiří
Snadno určitelné choroše vhodné pro demonstraci na biologických exkurzích The article presents ten easily identifi ed polypores as suitable species for demonstration at fi eld trips. The species can be demonstrated also in outside the vegetation season. The species are described with regard to important macroscopic features. All species are illus... |
Kaufnerová, Veronika
Metody izolace a kultivace sinic a řas pro potřeby výuky na základních a středních školách Despite the fact that cyanobacteria and algae are a common part of freshwater ecosystems, these organisms are still neglected in elementary and secondary education. The reason could be caused by planning of algological theme during late autumn and winter months. In this peri... |
Michalík, Petr
Hlediska tvorby výukových počítačových simulačních modelů The aim of the following paper is to present the context of creation of computer simulation models of electronic learning systems with diff erent educational variables of the teaching process. In the beginning it should be emphasized that the teaching process they create... |
Jakeš, Tomáš
Ověření přínosu simulace mikropočítačové stavebnice pro výuku hardware The paper presents an experimental verifi cation of the benefi t of the proposed and created simulation program by the means of pedagogical experiment. Since the contribution does not have to be only cognitive but on an aff ective level also, a composite approach p... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
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- Časopisy ZČU / UWB Journals
- Arnica
- 2014
- 4 2014