CPEE – AMTEE 2007 Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Preuss, Petr
Unfortunate dilemmas in theory of electrical engineering The paper represents (to some extent in the form of a feuilleton) an essay on some essential postulates of the theory of electrical engineering. Although nowadays their modification is already no longer real and desirable, it is possible to notice that their opposite ve... |
Henzl, Ctibor
Rozhon, Jan
„Curvilinear squares“ in the teaching of electric fields The method of “the curvilinear squares” was first described by Dr. Lehmann in year 1909 [1]. It allows a graphical solution of partial differential equations of the elliptic type. It was used for solving technical problems in the first half of last century. More ef... |
Dejmek, Jiří
Štekl, Pavel
E-learning courses and its efectivity in the technical subject studies Submitted paper demonstrates the example of efficiency distance learning in engineering education. In this paper are described contributions and important positive and negative parameters of this style of students work for technician praxis, namely in electrochemistry. |
Dědková, Jarmila
Multimedia and electronic tools support of electrical engineering education at feec but There is widely extended ITC supported education at many of universities today. The paper presents some experiences from the utilizing of the multimedia material, electronic texts and interactive teaching in an education process at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Communicati... |
Brančík, Lubomír
Education of analogue electronic circuits subject in Ect bachelor field of study The subject Analoque electronic circuits plays important role within the framework of three-years bachelor field of study Electronics and communication technology at FEEC BUT in Brno. The paper discusses restructuring and innovative steps implemented in the light of requirements resulting from... |
Benešová, Zdeňka
Karban, Pavel
Pánek, David
Experimental support of theoretical electrical engineering education In the year 2007 has been proposed a new approach to teaching theoretical subjects at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering at University of West Bohemia in Pilsen. For achieving this target the specific grant from Higher Education Development Fund was acquired. Due to ... |
Stein, Zbigniew
Zielińska, Maria
Problems of electromagnetic compatibility in the process of compensation of reactive power absorbed by three-phase induction motors The changes in the standards and regulations pertaining to such parameters affecting electromagnetic compatibility, like voltage harmonic content and the value of tangent j require the need to adapt the power of the condensers necessary for attaining a required value of the ... |
Kováčová, Irena
Kováč, Dobroslav
Sedláková, Anna
EMC of power electrotechnical systems: electromagnetic coupling. Part I. The paper deals with the general analysis of one part of the electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) problem - the electromagnetic coupling applied in the field of power electrical systems. Theoretical analysis of above mentioned problem, based on the impact investigation of the electromagnetic&... |
Kováč, Dobroslav
Kováčová, Irena
Gallová, Štefánia
EMC of power electrotechnical systems: electromagnetic coupling. Part II. The paper deals with the general analysis of one part of the electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) problem - the electromagnetic coupling applied in the field of power electrical systems. The verification simulation analyses and practical measurements of the electromagnetic coupling, which are ... |
Drexler, Petr
Jirků, Tomáš
Szabó, Zoltán
Fiala, Pavel
High EMC: compliance LVDS bus The article deals with the results which were obtained during the process of designing the LVDS (low voltage differential signal) bus. This bus is very resistant to interference from the environment and to spurious emissions of electromagnetic waves. According to the concrete... |
Büllow, Jiří
Poyinting vector: an application for design of alternative engine unit This paper is focused on construction design of alternative engine unit of a new type. A fundamental part of its conception stands on the theory of electromagnetic field and relative physical areas. Some physical facts are documented by experiments. Mathematical and physical ... |
Büllow, Jiří
Force effect of poynting vector This paper brings theory for derivation of force effect of Poynting vector. The theory of electromagnetic field is the base of presented approach together with close link to quantum mechanics, theory of relativity and vacuum physics. This paper serves as mathematical and phy... |
Šumichrast, Ľubomír
Ehrhardt, Matthias
On the three formulations of trans-parent boundaries for the beam propagation method For the simulation of the propagation of optical waves in the open waveguiding structures of the integrated optics the beam propagation method of solution of the parabolic wave equation is commonly used. It is of paramount importance to have well-performing transparent boundary... |
Macháč, Jan
Zehentner, Jan
Artificial dielectric substrate for microwave applications This paper presents a new version of an artificial dielectric substrate. The substrate is fabricated as a 2D array of metallic posts separated from the top conductor by a thin dielectric slab. This structure can show a very high effective permittivity. This permittivity ... |
Faktorová, Dagmar
Utilization of microwaves at material defects investigation The paper describes microwave measurement of metal defects using the relevant theoretical assumptions. The cracks are judged from the point of view microwave practice and waveguide technique and formulae are exploited. Measurement results are plotted in graphs and discussed. |
Vlk, Rostislav
Krasl, Milan
Resistance welding This article describes basic principles of resistance welding and its possible applications. For the design and optimization of welding machines and processes it is necessary to build up the methodology of the modelling of welding process. |
Karban, Pavel
Ulrych, Bohuš
Doležel, Ivo
Pantelyat, Mykhailo
Matyukhin, Yuri
Gontarowskiy, Pavlo
Barglik, Jerzy
Operation parameters and characteristic of aactuators with dilatation element In specific applications one needs actuators characterized by very high forces at small shifts. As actuators of classical constructions mostly cannot satisfy these requirements, the authors designed another arrangement with an inductively heated dilatation element. But huge mechanical strains... |
Jankowski, Piotr
Rymkiewicz, Stanislaw
Analysis of stresses of disc in inductive dynamic drive Observations made during the experiment with physical model of inductive dynamic drive showed, that in some extreme cases disc was deformed fundamentally, what was proved by its vibrations. For investigation of state of stress the mathematical model of the magneto-elastic vibrations... |
Büllow, Jiří
Doležel, Ivo
Karban, Pavel
Ulrych, Bohuš
Numerical modeling of MHD effect for pumping molten metals The paper deals with the numerical modeling of pumping molten metals based on the principle of the magnetohydrodynamic effect, i.e. force effect of an external stationary current field and magnetic field on an electrically conductive liquid. Described is the physical essence of... |
Nawrowski, Ryszard
Bugaj, Andrzej
Cebulski, Włodzimierz
Measurements of the quality of the electric energy produced in water and wind power stations |
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