2017 Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Hrbek, Jan
Rykl, Lukáš
Hadrava, Jan
Rozložení rychlosti v tavenině při indukčním tavení v kelímkové peci The paper deals with a mathematical model of induction crucible furnace. The melted material considered in calculations is the Sn63Pb37 alloy. The magnetic field coupled with flow field is analyzed. The magnetic problem is solved using ANSYS Mechanical and obtained distribution&... |
Pavec, Martin
Soukup, Radek
Hamáček, Aleš
Návrh a realizace vyšívaných antén s využitím hybridní šicí nitě In this paper is described problematic of dipole and fractal dipole antenna design. Realization of embroidered antennas optimized for frequency of 868 MHz. Two types of antennas were realized, the first was dipole antenna and second was fractal dipole antenna. These antennas were e... |
Kadlec, Petr
Hodnocení vlivu působení UV záření na chemickou strukturu a termické vlastnosti PE a PE/HNT This paper deals with the degradation of two type of polyethylene (PE) and composites (PE/HNT) which composed of the specific type of polyethylene as a matrix and of the halloysite nanotubes as an innovative clay filler. Attention is paid specifically to the degra... |
Veisheipl, Karel
Simulace a experimentální měření složeného napětí na odporové zátěži The problematic of the combined and composite voltages is more discussed during the last few years because of the possibility of creating power lines with both AC and DC line. This paper deals with the measurement and simulation of composite voltage at the resistive load ... |
Justa, Josef
Hamáček, Aleš
Kalibrace tyče pro měření nehomogenit magnetismu ve 3D prostoru The paper briefly presents calibration method of magnetism measuring rod for measuring nonhomogeneity of magnetic field in buildings. Introduced calibration method is based on the least mean square algorithm and corrects error created due to inaccurate sensor placement. |
Jaššo, Kamil
Kazda, Tomáš
Vliv lisovacího tlaku použitého při výrobě Li-S článku na jeho elektrochemické parametry In this paper, new perspective type of battery (lithium-sulfur) is discussed. In the experimental part of this paper, the influence of the compression pressure used in the manufacture of the lithium-sulfur cell on its electrochemical parameters is measured and discussed. |
Michal, Ondřej
Vliv stárnutí na elektrické vlastnosti nanokompozitů epoxid/SiO2 This article deals with electro insulating materials and their modifications using nanofillers. Nanocomposites have the potential in the future to replace conventional insulating systems of rotating electrical machines. However, for the introduction of these materials into practical applications in in... |
Kalaš, David
Senzorový systém pro testování úrovně tepelné ochrany pracovních rukavic This paper deals with the development of multiplexer system intended for data collection and data processing. The introduction of this paper presents and describes selected temperature sensors and concept of data processing. The practical part is focused on the design, realization and c... |
Kroneisl, Michal
Potlačení elektromagnetického hluku pohonu pomocí FCS-MPC This paper describes control algorithm for electric drive consisting of induction motor and inverter. The algorithm is based on FCS-MPC (Finite Control Set – Model Predictive Control). This algorithm allows shaping of current frequency spectrum and reducing of electromagnetic noise. |
Lufinka, Ondřej
Analýza vlivu Hammingova kódu na přenosový kanál mezi ultrazvukovým vysílačem a přijímačem In this paper, analysis of the influence of the Hamming code on the ultrasonic channel is described. In the beginning, the paper briefly explains the design of the ultrasonic transceivers used for the experiment. Then the measurement of the channel without the code is performe... |
Křivka, Jindřich
Žahour, Jiří
Koncepce modulárního elektronického systému určeného k řízení ERDPF filtrů s proměnnou topologií This paper describes the basic ideas which are used in new conception of the ERDPF modular electronic system. The main goal was to design an electronic with topology which will be able to cover a different mechanical variants of the ERPDF filter without any additional dev... |
Zrubecký, Filip
Vliv stínění elektromagnetického pole na účinnost systému bezkontaktního přenosu energie This paper describes the effect of electromagnetic field shielding on the efficiency of series–series wireless power transfer system. First, the principle of the system is described. Afterwards, the shielding is presented and simulated in ANSYS Electronics software. Finally, the shielded system... |
Hornak, Jaroslav
Homogenizace vnitřní struktury třísložkového kompozitního dielektrika The main aim of this paper is to introduce a new three-phase insulating material consisting of a low viscosity epoxy resin (3750 LV) with dispersed magnesium oxide (MgO) nanoparticles with a surface treatment by silane coupling agent (γ-glycidoxypropyltrimethoxysilane) and a polyethylene nap... |
Valenta, Pavel
Možnosti využití piezoelektrických transformátorů pro napájení budičů MOSFET a IGBT tranzistorů In many applications MOSFET and IGBT drivers must be powered by a floating voltage. This can be solved by using an auxiliary power supply with an isolated output voltage. In this paper, possibilities of using piezoelectric transformers for this purpose are presented. A... |
Kehl, Zdeněk
Řízení pohonů tříosého robotu This paper describes a proposed three axis robotic system. The first paragraph is focused on general description of a three axis robot. The next paragraph describes topology of electric drives of this robot. There is described solution of a power converter and its control in... |
Lejsek, Jaroslav
Optimalizace měřicích podmínek simultánní termické analýzy a jejich vliv na rozklad XLPE This article focuses on the optimizing of measuring conditions of simultaneous thermal analysis during decomposition of cross-linked polyethylene (XLPE). Sample weight, heating rate and type of purge gas were considered and optimized within carried out experiments. Achieved results of... |
Jiříček, Marek
Experimentální otestování pulzujícího injektážního estimátoru polohy rotoru PMSM This paper presents description of pulsating injection rotor position estimator algorithm for PMSM and results of experimental tests. Estimator is used for position and speed feedback in sensorless control of PMSM drive. Experimental tests were focused on determining usability of... |
Nazarčík, Tomáš
Modelování spínacích přechodných dějů na přenosovém vedení ZVN/VVN This paper is concerned with the modelling of the switching transients on the multi-circuit EHV/HV transmission line. On the created two-port model the calculations were performed. The influence of the line switching of some circuits on the remaining circuits was analysed. |
Kalaj, Patrik
Měření elektromagnetického rušení šířeného zářením na lokomotivě ŠKODA 109E This paper is focused on a measurement of electromagnetic disturbance by radiation on the ŠKODA 109E locomotive. The reason for the measurement on this vehicle is to verify the intensity of electromagnetic radiation which could adversely affect the surrounding device. The measurement is... |
Votava, Martin
Glasberger, Tomáš
Prediktivní řízení u duálního měniče s prodlouženým horizontem pro minimalizaci ztrát The paper is focused on reduction and balancing of power losses in a dual inverter. The proposed technique is based on finite control set model predictive control with two techniques which improve the behavior of the basic predictive algorithm to deal with different... |
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