2017 Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky

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Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 21 až 40 z 50
Dudáček, Lukáš
Analýza možnosti využití radarového čidla pdlux PD-V8 pro detekci dronů

Nowadays drones became very cheap and reachble for the wide spectrum of people. With increasing number of the drones is necessary estabilish some rules of its usage. It is very often that legislative is not enabling the drones flying inside the city and over ...

Broulím, Pavel
Měření zpoždění doby průchodu signálu v přenosové trase pro synchronizační účely

The paper describes our solution for synchronization purposes of several devices based on propagation delay measurement with high resolution. The measurement set-up is shown and explained. The measuring device in the set-up is a time-to-digital converter (TDC). The TDC is designed according&...

Totzauer, Pavel
Vliv antioxidantů na rostlinné oleje

Main features of the insulating fluids based on natural esters are biodegradability, a good thermal and insulating features, a high fire resistance etc. Compared to the mineral oil, the fluids based on natural esters still have a problematic development of a trend of dissipation&#x...

Hlína, Jiří , Řebou, Jan , Hamáček, Aleš
Vlastnosti měděných a stříbrných tlustých vrstev na keramických substrátech

This paper is focused on comparison of copper (Thick Printed Copper) and silver thick films on alumina substrates properties. Thick film technology is used in many fields of electronic industry. Thick printed copper is a new prospective technology, which is used for power electroni...

Glac, Antonín
Implementace řízení asynchronního motoru za použití hardwarového akcelerátoru

This paper presents the implementation of driving algorithm for induction motor using a voltage source inverter, driven by microcontroller TMS320F28377S. Microcontroller is a part of MLC Interface platform, which is used for driving applications at the faculty. The thesis compares the proces...

Jahoda, Emil , Kúdelčík, Jozef
Štúdium čiastkových výbojov v epoxidovej živici

In this paper, we study the characteristics of internal partial discharges in the cavity of the epoxy resin by Galvanic method. This method is one of the most popular electrical methods for the detection of the partial discharges. The detection and continuous monitoring of the...

Novák, Radek
Měření průběhu napětí UDS tranzistorů na bázi nitridu gallia ve výkonových obvodech měničů

The article is about selecting a suitable voltage oscilloscopic probe for measuring the drain-to-source voltage of GaN E-HEMT (Enhancement – High Electron Mobility Transistor) power transistors mounted in power converter circuits. Successful measuring depends on knowing the parameters of the tran...

Zavřel, Martin
Orientační měření blízkého elektrického pole nižších kmitočtů

In this paper is discussed and derived an alternative method for nearby lower frequency electric field measurement with emphasis on low cost and simplicity. Derived method is compared with commercial measuring devices and verified by reference electric field values. Described method was ...

Laksar, Jan
Vliv zátěže na magnetickou indukci asynchronního motoru

In this paper, the numerical calculation of the no-load air gap flux density of an induction machine is described. After that the rotor magnetomotive force reaction distribution is calculated and the final flux density distribution in the nominal-load state is calculated. The flux ...

Veg, Lukáš
Měření mechanických ztrát asynchronního stroje a porovnání s empirickým výpočtem

The subject of this paper is measuring the mechanical losses of induction machines and further evaluation with empiric formulas. In the paper, two asynchronous machines are compared and measured. Then is calculated the deviance between the measured and calculated values. In the end ...

Šobra, Jan
Diagnostika statické excentricity asynchronního stroje pomocí frekvenčních spekter hluku

The paper is focused on the experimental static eccentricity diagnostics using acoustic noise frequency spectra. The presented study presumes induction machine operating under constant load in an environment with steady acoustic noise producing facilities. The frequency spectra analyses a...

Hromádka, Aleš
Výpočet charakteristik dynamické spolehlivosti elektrárenského bloku

This paper describes the most important reliability characteristics of the power plant unit. These reliability characteristics are calculated for the repairable unit. The results are specific equations for the characteristics of the power plant unit, i.e. the probability of failure-free operation...

Petrášová, Iveta
Numerické modelování akustického pole reproduktoru

The paper deals with numerical modeling of acoustic field produced by a commercial loudspeaker. The goal is to obtain the directional characteristics of the device. The continuous mathematical model is derived from the physical laws and is considered for the ideal fluids with prope...

Smolianov, Ivan , Sarapulov, Fedor
Výzkum teplotních režimů lineárního indukčního motoru

The paper presents a simplified mathematical model of linear induction motor to study its thermal regimes. The model takes into account the heat removal from the active zone due to the movement of the secondary element. The estimation of influence of motor speed o...

Zich, Jan
Obvody pro měření napětí, proudu a ochranu signálových vstupů ve výkonových aplikacích

In the field of power electronics the current and voltage measurement circuits are commonly used for the feedback loop regulation. This paper describes one of the topologies with HV insulation for high-range AC or DC current and voltage measurement. Due to high-power switching the&...

Paslavský, Bohumil
Měření izolačního odporu statorového vinutí generátoru v čase a aproximace různého počtu odečtených hodnot

The measurement of insulation resistance is the basic diagnostic test, which is used for very long time. I look into possibilities approximation of measured values for graphical projections in dependence on number recorded values during measurement.

Mužík, Václav
Frekvenční stabilita při přechodu do ostrovního provozu města: porovnání nástrojů frekvenčního odlehčování

The island operation of a larger part of the power grid (such as a city) is a commonly discussed topic in the view of rising need of dynamic power system being able to withstand power balance changes that are given by large connection of the RES and also by...

Šíma, Karel
Systém pro vývoj a testování tištěných senzorů

The paper focuses on the design and the realization of the testing system for printed sensors. In the first part of this paper describes the requirements to the system. The second part of this paper informs about the hardware of the testing unit. And the third part&#...

Skřivan, Jan
Testování ohebnosti flexibilních elektronických prvků a systémů

This paper is focused on the design and realization of a bend test for flexible electronics. The proposed test method is then verified on the device. For this purpose, samples have been designed and implemented with SMD components connected by three different conductive adhesives.&...

Benešová, Andrea
Vliv Průmyslu 4.0 na pracovní pozice a kvalifikační požadavky zaměstnanců

Industry 4.0 is a new industrial revolution that was caused by the rapid development of new technologies. Development of new technologies not only fundamentally affects the industry and economy, but also has an impact on societywide change. This paper is focused on cha...

Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 21 až 40 z 50