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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 6 of 6
Černý, Martin
Unijní regulace nabývání a držení palných zbraní

Rigorous thesis on the topic of EU regulation of the acquisition and possession of firearms contains analyzes, considerations and conclusions concerning the issue of the right to acquire and possess firearms in the territory of the European Union. In individual chapters, the author ...

Slivoně, Martin
Blasfemie jako svoboda projevu a její limity

This rigorous paper deals with blasphemy, respectively with the protection of religious sentiment of believers. The author presents a thesis that broadly encompasses the topic of blasphemy and the protection of religious sentiment. At the beginning of the thesis, the author deals with&#...

Filipová, Tereza
Ochrana osobních údajů ve světle Nařízení Evropského parlamentu a Rady (EU) 2016/679

This rigorosum thesis deals with Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council, i.e. General Data Protection Regulation. The thesis has been divided into ten chapters, comprising EU legislation base of the regulation and its embedding into the Czech legal order,...

Sperková, Zuzana
Historie, proces, důsledky a perspektivy dalšího rozšiřování Evropské unie

This rigorous thesis deals with the history of the enlargement of the European Union, with why non-member countries in Europe could be interested in becoming members of the European Union, and if they had such an interest in what process they would have to go through....

Vnenk, Vladislav
Postavení a pravomoci prezidenta České republiky v procesu sestavování vlády, odvolávání vlády a vládní demise

The main aim of this doctoral thesis is quite serious, but still very topical, constitutional law issues, namely the characteristics of the president's powers in the composition of the government, the revocation of government and the powers of the President in the process ...

Sperk, Petr
Důvody, proces a důsledky vystoupení z Evropské unie v aplikační praxi pro Českou republiku

The processed thesis describes the possibility of Czech Republic exiting the European Union. The thesis illustrates possible implications resulting in exiting the EU, furthermore, it points to an application of article 50 of the European Union Association Agreement in practice, in which ...

Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 6 of 6