Bakalářské práce / Bachelor´s works (KFE) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky

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Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 141 až 160 z 727
Havlíčková, Kateřina
Specifické nástroje pro hodnocení kognitivních funkcí u adiktologických klientů z pohledu ergoterapeuta.

The bachelor thesis is focused on the possibilities of cognitive testing of clients with a history of addiction, which could be useful in occupational therapy. The thesis is divided into two parts, theoretical part and practical part. In the theoretical part, there is detailed ...

Bejvančický, Jan
Škola zad u dětí mladšího školního věku

The aim of the bachelor thesis was to evaluate how physical education classes at primary school for children aged 6 to 12 took place including an assessment of the application of elements of the Framework Educational Program from the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports...

Bejtová, Remzie
Srovnání přístupů testování dynamické stability kolenního kloubu

The bachelor thesis deals with a comparison of approaches to testing the dynamic stability of the knee joint. For the purpose of this thesis 5 tests were selected. Single-Leg Hop Test for Distance, Single-Leg Triple Hop Test for Distance, Y-Balance Test, Deep Squat Test and&#x...

Linhová, Natálie
Využití měkkých technik v lázeňské léčbě vertebrogenních onemocnění

This bachelor's thesis deals with monitoring and evaluating the effects of soft techniques in their use in the spa treatment of patients with vertebrogenic diseases. The thesis is divided into a theoretical part and a practical part. The theoretical part contains a list&...

Drlík, Pavel
Objektivizace účinků metod kinezioterapie prostřednictvím povrchové elektromyografie

This bachelor thesis deals with a possibility of use of surface electromyography as an evaluation method in kinesiotherapy. Theoretical part summarises important information about the neuromuscular system related to surface electromyography issues. Generation and propagation of an action potential is&...

Balejová, Adéla
Možnosti ovlivnění femoropatelárního syndromu u cyklistů

The bachelor thesis deals with femoropatellar syndrome in cyclists and tries to approach how the painfulness of this disability can be reduced. The theoretical part describes the kinesiology and pathokinesiology of the knee joint, as well as femoropatellar syndrome as such, its etiology...

Bílková, Anna
Role ergoterapeuta u předčasně narozených dětí v České republice

This bachelor thesis looks at the role of an occupational therapist for premature born babies. The author of this thesis considers it important to bring the role of the occupational therapist closer to the parents of premature babies. The problem of preterm infants is summariz...

Šupolová, Markéta
Ortotické možnosti řešeni nestability kolenního kloubu.

The topic of the bachelor thesis Orthotic options of solving knee joint instability. The theo-retical part describes anatomy, physiology and pathophysiology of knee joint, then the field of orthotics is specified and fundamental types of orthosis are described with focus on knee orthosi...

Kolářová, Stela
Sledování změn rozsahu pohybu po aplikaci vybraných vývojových pozic dynamické neuromuskulární stabilizace u dětské mozkové obrny

Cerebral palsy is a non-progressive neurological brain disability that arises due to a variety of etiologies. The diagnosis usually does not bear a positive prognosis, so our goal is to make it as favorable as possible for the future for a patient. One of the ways to...

Dostálová, Eliška
Využití akrální koaktivační terapie u běžců

This bachelor thesis deals with the use of Acral Coactivation Therapy in runners. The thesis is divided into theoretical and practical parts. The first chapter of the theoretical part describes the essence of Acral Coactivation Therapy. In the second chapter is discussed kinesiolo...

Hlaváčková, Leona
Využití prvků akrální koaktivační terapie u roztroušené sklerózy

The bachelor thesis contains a theoretical and practical part. The theoretical part includes a chapter about neurophysiology of the nervous system, a chapter about multiple sclerosis and the last chapter about acral coactivation therapy. The second part of the bachelor thesis is a...

De sousa, Alexandra
Výskyt plochonoží u dospělých mezi 40-50 rokem

This bachelor thesis is following up the occurence of acquired flat feet in women between 40-50 years of age. The thesis is divided into theoretical and practical parts. The theoretical part is composed from chapters dealing with anatomy, kinesiology, development &#x...

Zahálková, Michaela
Možnosti rehabilitace u dětí s poruchou autistického spektra

This bachelor thesis deals with children with autism spectrum disorders and their possibilities in a rehabilitation setting. The thesis is written in the form of a literary research. The aim of this thesis is to map out the rehabilitation options for children with autism spect...

Žaloudík, Jan
Úloha fyzioterapie v lázeňské léčbě diabetické neuropatie

This bachelor thesis deals with the influence of the role of physiotherapy in spa. The thesis contains a theoretical and practical part. The theoretical part closely describes diabetes mellitus and its associated complications with the greatest emphasis on diabetic neuro-pathy. The anatomy&#...

Buchnerová, Barbora
Analýza efektivity kompenzačního cvičení u hráček házené

The thesis deals with the use and effectiveness of compensatory exercise for female handball players. The theoretical part consists of a description of the sport itself and outlines the basics of kinesiology, principles of compensatory exercise and prevention, followingly providing a&...

Voňková, Soňa
Místo fyzioterapie v léčbě spánkové apnoe

In this paper, we discuss beneficial physiotherapy procedures for sleep apnea and how they affect the individual and the disease. We were interested in general health, physical fitness, respiratory mechanisms and stress exposure. In our opinion, these factors hold a crucial role and...

Trojanec, Jáchym
Využití fazeru ve fyzioterapii

The bachelor thesis deals with treatment method called Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization (IASTM) targeting fascial tissue and the effectiveness of its use in physiotherapy practice. The theoretical part focuses on basic description of the method, its origin and history of the ...

Štrudlová, Zuzana
Výskyt plochonoží u dětí do 3 let.

The bachelor thesis deals with the occurrence of flatfoot in children under 3 years of age. The aim of the thesis was to determine whether the incidence of flatfoot decreases with increasing age. In addition, the research thesis examined the effect of therapy and gender a...

Syslová, Eliška
Možnosti objektivizace projevů motorické dyspraxie v dospělosti

The bachelor thesis assesses the forms that motor dyspraxia can take in adulthood. The theo-retical part describes the general issue of motor dyspraxia, then mentions how dyspraxia ma-nifests itself in the individual developmental periods, describes the issues of cortical functi-ons and moto...

Martínková, Natálie
Výskyt močové inkontinence u žen po porodu bez diastázy

The thesis deals with the risk factors that lead to a higher incidence of urinary incontinence in postpartum women without diastasis. In the theoretical part, there is a brief description of the anatomy of the pelvic floor, pelvic skeleton, urinary tract, and abdominal wall mu...

Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 141 až 160 z 727