Bakalářské práce / Bachelor´s works (KFE) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Zděnková, Tereza
Problematika stereognozie v ergoterapii This thesis deals with a disorder of stereognosis in people after a stroke in terms of ccupational therapy, and it points to the meaning of the stereognosis for doing daily activities. The thesis, in which 10 patients after a stroke were chosen, is processed in the f... |
Novotná, Barbora
Možnosti využití přístroje Bimeo PRO u klientů po cévní mozkové příhodě z pohledu ergoterapeuta The bachelor's thesis deals with the possibilities of using the Bimeo PRO device in clients after a stroke from the point of view of an occupational therapist. The theoretical part is devoted to an introduction to the issue of stroke, its distribution, rehabilitation, which... |
Švábová, Kateřina
Hra jako terapie This Bachelor thesis looks at assessing the limits in play in children diagnosed with cerebral palsy with either hemiparetic or diparetic forms. In the theoretical part the notion of the game and its possibilities of use in ergotherapy is pointed out here describing the devel-... |
Nájemníková, Natálie
Význam ergoterapie v systému péče o děti s centrální koordinační poruchou This bachelor thesis deals with the issue of central coordination disorder (CCD) in children. These are most often children in infancy who are in care. The theoretical part defines CCD, its occurrence, diagnosis and degrees of disability. The following chapter describes the psychomotor&... |
Janovská, Karolína
Klimatoterapie jako léčebná metoda u pacientů trpícími respiračními chorobami This bachelor thesis deals with the issue of climatotherapy. Climatotherapy is utilised for disease prevention, maintaining and supporting health, and for restoring functions and abilities lost due to a disease. The bachelor thesis is divided into two parts, a theoretical part and ... |
Dušková, Vendula
Význam správného výběru vozíku v životě vozíčkáře This thesis focuses on the quality of life of wheelchair users using custom-made and prefabricated manual wheelchairs. The thesis is divided into theoretical and practical parts. The theoretical part defines the role of the ergonomist in selecting the wheelchair, the types of manual... |
Müllerová, Stefanie
Využití Bazální stimulace u pacientů s traumatickým poraněním mozku z pohledu ergoterapeuta. This bachelor thesis deals with the use of Basal stimulation in occupational therapy in patients with traumatic brain injury and maps its barriers and facilitators. It analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of its usage from the answers of respondents in the questionnaire. The a... |
Cibulková, Tereza
Role ergoterapeuta při výběru kompenzačních pomůcek u dětí s dětskou mozkovou obrnou The bachelor thesis is entitled "The Role of an Occupational Therapist in the Selec- tion of Compensatory Aids for Children with Cerebral Palsy." As the name implies, the main goal of this work is to map the role of occupational therapist, which he or she ... |
Kyjevská, Martina
Význam edukace v oblasti všedních denních aktivit u gravidních žen z pohledu ergoterapeuta Bachelor thesis "The importance of education in activities of daily living for pregnant women from the view of an Occupational Therapist" is divided into theoretical and practical parts. The theoretical part focuses on the matter of pregnancy-related lower back pain, including prev... |
Štemberová, Kristýna
Vliv jednotlivých plaveckých způsobů na vznik impingement syndromu ramenního kloubu u plavců This bachelor thesis deals with the issue of the shoulder girdle of swimmers. Specifically, we focused on the influence of individual swimming strokes on the development of the impingement syndrome. This theses is divided into two parts, a practical part, and a theoretical part.... |
Králová, Eliška
Možnosti využití algometru v testování svalového napětí sportující mládeže The aim of this bachelor's thesis is to monitor and find out how muscle tension changes in athletic youth in training, which was focused on strength, dexterity and endurance. A pressure algometer was used to obtain data. This study contains knowledge in muscle composition, ... |
Sysel, Jakub
Využití funkční pohybové diagnostiky Functional Movement Screen ve fyzioterapii This bachelor thesis focuses on the use of functional movement diagnostics called "Functional Movement Screen" in the field of physiotherapy. The thesis describes the origin and basic principles of this method, presents all seven tests that make up this method and also deals... |
Ticháček, Martin
Srovnávání přístupů testování dynamické stability kyčelního kloubu This bachelor thesis deals with the comparison of the possibilities of testing the dynamic stability of the hip joint. The thesis has two parts, theoretical and practical. In the theoretical part the work is focused on the kinesiology of the hip joint, its functional diagnosti... |
Langová, Natálie
Indirektivní techniky v terapii bolestivých stavů This bachelor thesis deals with the effectiveness of pain using the Strain-Counterstrain technique and the post-isometric relaxation technique in the cervical spine area. Both techniques were used on reflex changes and pain in the trapezius muscle area in two series, in between two ... |
Bukhonov, Mikhail
Možnosti využití Y balance testu ve fyzioterapii This thesis deals with the testing of dynamic stabilization using a variation of the Y Balance Test for the upper and lower limbs, which are not yet widespread. A total of 23 subjects participated in the test. The results were collected and used to calculate a... |
Princová, Nela
Tělesné sebepojetí obézních pacientů This work deals with the evaluation of body self-concept in obese patients in comparison with a control group of individuals with BMI classified as norm. The theoretical part describes obesity, body self-concept, body image and the In Body 270 device, which was used to obtain&... |
Holubová, Justýna
Ruptura Achillovy šlachy - doléčení a návrat k pohybu This bachelor thesis concerns the topic Achilles tendon rupture and its treatment. In the theoretical part we get acquainted with the anatomy, kinesiology, etiology of rupture and its treatment. The practical part includes two case reports, where I compare the input examination with... |
Jungbecková, Simona
Způsoby aktivace hlubokého stabilizačního systému a jeho využití v těhotenství This Bachelor's thesis presents appropriate ways of activating the deep stabilization system and monitoring the effect on the posture of pregnant women. The thesis is subdivided into a theoretical and a practical part. The theoretical part contains an anatomical description of the p... |
Hegenbartová, Veronika
Možnosti pohybových aktivit v kojeneckém věku This bachelor's thesis covers a summary of findings about psychomotor development of a child and physical activities available to parents with infants. The theoretical part of this thesis deals with individual stages of psychomotor development during the first year of a child's ... |
Haisová, Monika
Diferenciální diagnostika bolestí dolní končetiny The bachelor thesis is focused on the differential diagnosis of lower limb pain. The introductory part describes the basic terms associated with pain, lower limb and differential diagnosis. The practical part of the work is realized in the form of a qualitative research surve... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Vysokoškolské kvalifikační práce / Theses
- Fakulta zdravotnických studií / Faculty of Health Care Studies
- Katedra rehabilitačních oborů / Department of Rehabilitation Science