Bakalářské práce / Bachelor´s works (KFE) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Štěpáníková, Johana
Vybrané nástroje pro hodnocení kognitivních funkcí u osob s Alzheimerovou chorobou z pohledu ergoterapeuta The bachelor's thesis deals with the possibility of cognitive training for people with Alzheimer's disease. The work is divided into two parts, theoretical and practical. The theoretical part presents cognitive disorders in old age, risk factors affecting cognitive functions and occ... |
Bazgier, Michal
Trénink anticipatorního posturálního nastavení a jeho vliv na posturální stabilitu u zdravých jedinců The training of anticipatory postural adjustment is aimed at improving control in maintaining the stability of an individual. Through training, we improve both control and the involvement of components in the postural chain, such as during sudden changes in movement. The aim of thi... |
Škvorová, Kateřina
Využití Montessori prvků v terapii dětí předškolního věku The bachelor thesis deals with the applicability of Montessori principles and aids in the occupational therapy of preschool children. The work is based on the results of a questionnaire survey, carried out at the beginning of 2023 among 82 children's occupational therap... |
Jonáková, Šárka
Vztah stereognozie a míry soběstačnosti u seniorů. This bachelors thesis deals with the issue of stereognosis and self-sufficiency in seniors living at home. The importance of stereognosis for the performance of activities of daily living and self-sufficiency in the elderly, whose share in society is constantly increasing is described&... |
Tesařík, David
Robotický trénink v ergoterapii ruky v ČR This bachelor's thesis deals with the use of robotic technologies in hand Occupational Therapy in the Czech Republic.The aim of the work is to find out the reasons why occupational therapists include these technologies in their practice. The theoretical part summarizes the ana... |
Tůmová, Petra
Riziko pádů seniorů v domácnosti z pohledu ergoterapeuta The bachelor thesis deals with the current problem of seniors in the Czech Republic, which is falls and their risk in the home environment from the perspective of an occupa-tional therapist. The theoretical part describes the characteristics of the elderly, falls with their t... |
Tomášová, Michaela
Porovnání ergodiagnostiky v České republice a Velké Británii z pohledu ergoterapeuta The bachelor's thesis aims to compare prevocational assessment in the Czech Re-public and Great Britain from the perspective of an occupational therapist. The theoretical part is dedicated to the introduction to the issue of ergodiagnostics, the history of ergodia-gnostics, its course an... |
Skopová, Alžběta
Návrh bezbariérového nábytku pro osoby s míšní lézí z pohledu ergoterapeuta The bachelor´s thesis deals with barrier-free furniture for people with spinal cord injury. The teoretical part is seperated into two larger chapters. The first chapter deals with the issue of spinal cord injury, its distribution, the examination and the rehabilitation of people with... |
Všetečková, Lucie
Vojtova reflexní lokomoce v terapii dětí s centrální koordinační poruchou - adherence rodinných příslušníků k dodržování doporučených postupů This bachelor thesis deals with the topic of adherence of family members in Vojta's reflex locomotion therapy in children with central coordination disorder. The thesis is divided into a theoretical and a practical part, the theoretical part of the thesis deals, among others, w... |
Burianová, Hana
Vliv pandemie COVID-19 na práci ergoterapeutů v nemocnicích v České republice This bachelor thesis deals with the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the work of occupational therapists working in hospitals in the Czech Republic during this difficult period. The theoretical part focuses on the current coronavirus pandemic and its impact on the health care... |
Smolková, Kristýna
Sledování výskytu patologických pohybových návyků při vstávání ze sedu This bachelor's thesis is focused on monitoring the occurrence of pathological movement habits when getting up from a sitting position. The theoretical part consists of a chapter on movement, posture, disorders of the locomotor system, sitting, standing and analysis of the movement ... |
Pytlová, Kateřina
Deskriptory bolesti v ambulantní rehabilitační péči The theoretical part of the bachelor's thesis gives a general overview of pain and its aspects, focusing on common painful conditions in outpatient care. It describes methods for assessing and objectifying pain, as well as possibilities for analgesia. In the practical p... |
Pařízková, Lenka
Sledování účinku respiračního handlingu This bachelor work deals with effects of respiratory handling on children younger than 1 year with respiratory disorders. It focuses on effects of respiratory handling on saturation, respiratory rate and heart rate. The theoretical part deals with developing of breathing, physiology of ... |
Procházka, Miroslav
Prvky senzomotorické stimulace v jednotlivých stádiích distorze hlezna In the bachelor's thesis, we first deal with the theoretical basis of the ankle joint as such, we describe its structure, meaning, cooperation or function of the foot itself. Furthermore, we focus on the issue of injuries of the ligamentous apparatus of the ankle joint,... |
Kleinertová, Viktorie
Sledování vztahu funkce pánevního dna a aktivity hlubokého stabilizačního systému páteře The content of this bachelor's thesis is an examination of the possibilities of testing or measuring a deep stabilization system. Theoretical part of the thesis contains knowledge about the function of the pelvic floor and detailed description of the deep stabilization system of... |
Slepička, Jan
Organizace fyzioterapeutického pracoviště v lázeňských zařízeních This Bachelor thesis aims to provide a description of selected physiotherapeutic depart-ments, functioning within the spa resorts in the Czech Republic. The theoretical part of-fers general information regarding the complex spa treatment, involving not only balneo-therapy, but also physical therapy,... |
Vítková, Lenka
Využití hry v ergoterapii při nácviku všedních denních aktivit u dětí s kombinovaným postižením. This bachelor thesis deals with the use of play in occupational therapy practice for children with combined disabilities. The theoretical part mentions the game, its features, properties and types. Furthermore, this chapter includes the development of the play, the importance and influence... |
Štádler, Miroslav
Hodnocení kognitivních funkcí během lokomoce po cévní mozkové příhodě This bachelor thesis deals with the evaluation of the effect of cognitive-motor training over a period of three months on cognitive-motor interference during locomotion after ischemic stroke. Ischemic stroke and related disorders cognitive impairments negatively affect locomotion speed. The resu... |
Machač, Kristian
Možnosti využití techniky vědomé chůze v léčbě Parkinsonovy nemoci The bachelor's thesis deals with the issue of Parkinson's disease, specifically the use of the technique of conscious walking in the treatment of people with Parkinson's disease. The aim of the study was to determine the extent to which the technique of conscious walkin... |
Štenglová, Kateřina
Využití muzikoterapeutických prvků v rámci ergoterapie u dětských pacientů s kombinovaným postižením This bachelor thesis focuses on the use of music therapy elements within occupational therapy practice. This study has two groups of participants. The first one consists of 28 occupational therapists from the Czech Republic, the second one consists of 37 occupational therapists from... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Vysokoškolské kvalifikační práce / Theses
- Fakulta zdravotnických studií / Faculty of Health Care Studies
- Katedra rehabilitačních oborů / Department of Rehabilitation Science