Jansová, Dominika
Vliv posturálního zajištění na úchopovou sílu This thesis is dedicated to grip strength testing in two postural positions (sitting and standing) using a Jamar dynamometer and evaluating the impact of physiotherapeutic intervention on grip strength. The theoretical part contains various information about handgrip, posture, pathological postural... |
Jírová, Zuzana
Možnosti fyzioterapie u pacientů s neurodegenerativním onemocněním This bachelor thesis summarizes physiotherapeutic intervention for patients suffering with neurodegenerative diseases. It has been written as a literary research. The purpose of this thesis is to descripe rehabilitation of neurodegenerative diseases by the means of studying apropriate literature and... |
Jandová, Karolína
Srovnání technik zvyšování rozsahu pohybu v kyčelním kloubu u pacientů preartrotických diagnóz The bachelor thesis deals with the comparison of techniques of increasing the range of motion in the hip joint in patients with prearthrotic diagnoses. The theoretical part deals with the basic description of anatomy, kinesiology and biomechanics of the hip joint. It then discusses... |
Herlitzová, Andrea
Sledování parametrů lokomoce pacientů s roztroušenou sklerózou The bachelor thesis deals with the monitoring of locomotion parameters in patients with multiple sclerosis. The aim of the thesis is to monitor gait parameters, the influence of multiple sclerosis on it, whether the assigned grade according to the Kurtzky scale corresponds to the... |
Hynková, Barbora
Lázeňská a rehabilitační léčba post COVID syndromu This bachelor thesis deals with the determination of the degree of effect of spa and rehabilitation treatment in patients with post-COVID syndrome. The thesis is divided into theoretical and practical parts. The theoretical part contains basic information about post-COVID syndrome, hence its... |
Grebeňová, Michaela
Fyzioterapie pro symetrizaci rozsahů pohybu v kyčelních kloubech This bachelor thesis focuses on the anatomy of the hip joint, its movements and examination by a physiotherapist. In addition to the causes of range of motion (ROM) limitation in the hip joint, it also discusses its possible consequences and physiotherapy. Since asymmetry of R... |
Diosegi, Veronika
Propojení fyzioterapie a tradiční čínské medicíny The bachelor's thesis focuses on the connection of traditional Chinese medicine. The theory describes the main principles and philosophies, the main pillars of TCM and their use in practice, the basics of physiotherapy in the Czech Republic and the methods of TCM that are ... |
Eseny, Sarah
Význam antropometrie délky dolních končetin po totální endoprotéze kyčelního kloubu The bachelor thesis is focused on the monitoring of lower limb length after total hip arthroplasty. The theoretical part of the thesis describes the kinesiology of the hip joint and anthropometry of the length of the lower limbs as one of the methods of investigati... |
Hampapa, Filip
Ergonomie a prevence poruch ve fyzioterapii The aim of this study is to compare a research group with a control group in the areas of the impact of ergonomics on the musculoskeletal system through algometric measurement over a period of two months, and a questionnaire survey supplementing the measurement with data ... |
Gola, Jakub
Recentní přístupy v rehabilitaci neglect syndromu The topic of this bachelor thesis is neglect syndrome. The thesis is created as a sys tematic review in which I describe all aspects of neglect syndrome. Its definition, classifi cation, causes that led to its development (etio-pathogenesis), diagnostic procedures and possibilities of... |
Sudík, Petr
Uplatnění absolventů oboru ergoterapie v České republice This bachelor thesis focuses on the employment of occupational therapy graduates in the Czech Republic. The theoretical part is divided into two large chapters. The first chapter discusses occupational therapy in the Czech Republic and foreign countries such as Great Britain, Fra... |
Radová, Štěpánka
Využití ergodiagnostických nástrojů v ergoterapii This bachelor's thesis deals with the topic of vocational tools used in occupational therapy. The main goal of this bachelor's thesis is to describe existing ergodiagnostic tools that can be used with psychiatric patients from the perspective of an occupational therapist. In the... |
Škantová, Simona
Role ergoterapeuta při hodnocení bezbariérovosti domácího prostředí uživatelů invalidního vozíku The bachelor's thesis is focused on the evaluation of the home environment of mechanical and electrical wheelchair users. The aim of the work is to evaluate the accessibility of homes of selected users by using the SEMAFOR home methodology and a semi-structured interview, to... |
Bíliková, Barbora
Hodnocení informací motorického vývoje kojence u prvorodiček This theses addresses the issue of first-time mothers' awareness of their child's psychomotor development (PMD). Specifically, I evaluate the sources from which mothers draw information about PMD. The main aim of work is to determine whether mothers' awareness of their infant's... |
Windšedlová, Eliška
Využití hry při nácviku oblékání u pacientů s dětskou mozkovou obrnou. The bachelor's thesis deals with the use of the game in practicing dress-up in children with cerebral palsy. It also discusses the transfer of learned skills to the home environment and the limits set by children with DMO. Children's play is important for individual de... |
Hojná, Eliška
Využití prvků ergonomie při práci s mobilním zařízením na středních školách v Plzeňském kraji z pohledu ergoterapeuta This bachelor thesis deals with the use of ergonomic elements in the use of mobile devices in secondary schools in the Pilsen region from the perspective of an occupational therapist. In the theoretical part, the concept of ergonomics, its aspects and elements are explained in... |
Háková, Miroslava
Testování manipulačních funkcí ruky z pohledu ergoterapeuta The presented bachelor's thesis deals with the use of standardized test tools evalua-ting the manipulative functions of the hand in occupational therapy practice. The theore-tical part deals with the fundamental functions of the hand and the issue of standardized testing with specific... |
Marešová, Eliška
Hodnocení kognitivních funkcí z pohledu ergoterapeuta pomocí testu Loewenstein Occupational Therapy Cognitive Assessment The Loewenstein Occupational Therapy Cognitive Assessment, or LOTCA battery, is a widely used standardized test for assessing cognitive function in clients with neurological deficits. Many studies show that it is easy to apply and easy to perform. A professional therapist should be able... |
Pikáliová, Štěpánka
Grafomotorické schopnosti v dětské ergoterapii The bachelor thesis deals with the graphomotor system in children with autism spectrum disorder in contrast to the vestibular system in the context of pediatric occupational therapy. It defines the basic concepts related to the chosen topic. To investigate the chosen topic, a study... |
Houdková, Nikola
Role ergoterapeuta u osob se získaným zrakovým postižením Acquired visual impairment means a change in everyday life, when many former automaticities no longer apply to the individual, especially in the area of self-sufficiency. For this reason, the bachelor's thesis focuses on acquired visual impairment, the anatomy of the visual system a... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Vysokoškolské kvalifikační práce / Theses
- Fakulta zdravotnických studií / Faculty of Health Care Studies
- Katedra rehabilitačních oborů / Department of Rehabilitation Science