Bakalářské práce / Bachelor´s works (KFE) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky

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Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 61 až 80 z 727
Trkovská, Kamila
Iyengar jóga v terapii funkčních poruch pohybového systému

The bachelor thesis deals with functional disorders of the musculoskeletal system, which are considered to be one of the most common causes of pain in the human body. These dirorders can result in a decreased range of motion, soft tissue tone alteration, joint bloc-kages and&#...

Šams, Marek
Sledování parametrů lokomoce při škole chůze amputovaných

The bachelor thesis deals with the problem of gait in lower limb amputees. The thesis is divided into two parts, theoretical and practical. The theoretical part describes the reasons and types of lower limb amputations, the possibilities of prosthetic solutions and then describes t...

Škornová, Tereza
Degenerativní změny čelistního kloubu

This bachalor thesis deals with degenerative changes in the temporomandibular joint, which are a common cause of pain and problems in the area, as well as options for rehabilitation intervention. The work is processed in the form of a literary research with the aim of col...

Tesařová, Adéla
Sledování parametrů lokomoce pacienta s cévní mozkovou příhodou při aplikaci ortotického vybavení

Bachelory thesis is focused on observing locomotion's parameters of pacients after stroke whose using ortotic aid during gait. Using the locomotion aid was depended on the pacient's choise. The main purpose of this bachelor thesis is to find out, if the ortotic aid has ...

Šmídová, Barbora
Vliv pánevního dna na pohybový aparát u žen po porodu

The bachelor's thesis explores the impact of the pelvic floor on the musculoskeletal system in women after childbirth. The theoretical part discusses possible complications associated with pelvic floor dysfunction after childbirth and describes the pelvic floor's function as a part of...

Štěpánek, Jakub
Kinematická analýza chůze u pacientů po iktu

This bachelor's thesis deals with the kinematic analysis of walking in patients after a stroke during testing of two types of walking. Using an IMU sensor, gait parameters were measured with a priority on a cognitive task and with a priority on a motor task. The ...

Richterová, Jana
Objektivizace selektivní hybnosti

Selective movement is the ability to perform differentiated movements and is closely rela-ted to the ability to selective relaxation. As part of the objectification, we determined 6 tests of selective mobility and 6 tests of selective relaxation, both groups included 3 tests for th...

Pudivítr, Vladislav
Vliv nízko intenzivního atletického tréninku na zdatnost seniorů

This bachelor's thesis modified to the issue of preventive geriatric rehabilitation care and the possibility of using a version of athletic training called low intensity athletic training (LIAT) in this area. Eight participants were invited to the research, five of whom completed th...

Roušalová, Petra
Vztah bolesti krční páteře a hlavy u mužů s deformitou hlavy

This bachelor thesis deals with association between neck pain and headache and head deformity among men. The main goal is to find out whether head deformity is a cause of headache or neck pain of older adults. The theoretical part is dedicated to types of head deform...

Soukupová, Aneta
Iyengar jóga jako prevence involuce

The bachelor thesis deals with the use of Iyengar yoga to prevent involution. The theoretical background of the thesis includes a description of B. K. S. Iyengar and his direction of yoga, involution and cognitive functions. Iyengar yoga is based on precision of movement. Yoga...

Sobotková, Denisa
Využití prvků akrální koaktivační terapie u osob s transtibiální amputací

The bachelor thesis deals with monitoring the effectiveness and efficiency of Acral Coactivation Therapy for people with transtibial amputation. The thesis is divided into theoretical and practical parts. The theoretical part deals with the description, causes of amputations, prosthetic equipment ...

Soutnerová, Lucie
Ergonomie a prevence poruch ve stomatologii

The aim of the bachelor thesis is focused on the ergonomics of the dental profession and on the compensation of the unilateral load, which represents the prevention of the occurrence of disorders. A pressure algometer was used to obtain data. The mapping of awareness and ...

Procházková, Lucie
Možnosti využití programu rychlé chůze v léčbě demence

This bachelor thesis investigates the effect of brisk walking on cognitive function in patients with dementia. The aim of the thesis was to find out whether MoCA test values increase after one month of fast walking training. The study group consisted of six probands...

Kutějová, Barbora
Využití radiální rázové vlny ve fyzioterapii

The aim of the bachelor thesis is to compare the effectiveness of different radial shock wave intensities. The practical part was focused on the application of shock wave for the treatment of the extensor group of the dominant upper limb. The characterization of the proband&#x...

Málková, Nela
Vztah low back pain a erektilní dysfunkce u mužů po 50. roce

The bachelor thesis is focused on the connection between the low back pain and the erectile dysfunction in men above the age of 50. In the theoretical part three parts are presented - low back pain (LBP), erectile dysfunction (ED) and the relationship between the low ...

Svojanovská, Lucie
Poruchy pohybového aparátu u hráčů na bicí

The aim of this thesis was to compare two groups of drummers, which differ from each other mainly in their playing technique. The first group consists of students of the Ježkova Conservatory of Music in Prague, who are technically skilled and the second group con-sists of...

Petrásková, Kateřina
Postavení canisterapie v rehabilitaci pacientů s dětskou mozkovou obrnou

The bachelor thesis summarizes the theoretical knowledge about the problem of cerebral palsy and the possibilities of using canine therapy as part of the rehabilitation program for patients with this diagnosis. It presents the characteristics of both topics and especially focuses on the...

Pekárek, Jakub
Hodnocení kinematické analýzy chůze u neurodegenerativních onemocnění

This bachelor thesis focuses on the use of kinematic gait analysis as a tool for diagnosing cognitive decline in older adults. The thesis is divided into theoretical and practical part. The theoretical part describes the mechanism of the development, basic classification, and clinical&#...

Kohoutová, Eva
Edukace pacienta s vertebrogenním algickým syndromem

The bachelor's thesis deals with the factors affecting the education of patients with back pain and the investigation of patients' approach to regimen measures. Vertebrogenic algic syndrome, principles of education and factors affecting education are described in theory. The investigation ...

Kmoníček, Jan
Fyzioterapie pro pectus excavatum

This bachelor's thesis focuses on physiotherapy procedures intended for patients diagnosed with pectus excavatum. It is a form of congenital developmental defect of the chest wall with progressive limitation of respiratory function and reduction of the volume space of the chest wall....

Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 61 až 80 z 727