Bakalářské práce / Bachelor´s works (KFE) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky

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Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 41 až 60 z 727
Mašková, Bára
Význam lezení ve vývoji dítěte do jednoho roku z pohledu ergoterapeuta

The bachelor's thesis deals with the issue of the importance of crawling in the deve- lopment of a child by the age of one year from the perspective of an occupational therapist. The theoretical part presents a summary of psychomotor development up to the 12th m...

Jansová, Veronika
Proprioceptivní princip AFO ortéz u dětí s dětskou mozkovou obrnou

The Bachelor Thesis focuses on the options of orthotic equipment of child patients facing the diagnosis Cerebral Palsy. It introduces the disease, its pathological impact on the patient's foot and gait and describes the principle and effect of solving this issue using individually&#...

Divišová, Valérie
Možnosti ortotického vybavení pacienta s osteoartrózou

The bachelor thesis focuses on the issue of osteoarthritis, which is one of the most common degenerative joint diseases. It focuses on the possibilities of mitigating impact of the disease on the patient's health through appropriate orthotic devices. The theoretical pa...

Beránková, Sára
Využitelnost 3D tisku v ortotice

Summary: Aim: This bachelor thesis investigates the use of 3D printing in orthotics, with emphasis on lower limb orthotics. The theoretical part, divided into three chapters, briefly introduces the field of orthotics and 3D printing and expands on the use of digital technologies&#...

Tomanová, Anna
Využitelnost 3D tisku v protetice

The bachelor thesis deals with the topic of the applicability of 3D printing in prosthetics. The theoretical part focuses on the introduction of 3D printing, its types, history, advantages and disadvantages and its impact on society. The practical part is implemented in the form&#x...

Šmejkalová, Kristýna
Role ergoterapeuta při rozvoji soběstačnosti žáků základních škol speciálních

This bachelor thesis focuses on the role of the occupational therapist in the development of self-sufficiency in primary special education pupils. The aim of the research was to identify specific ways in which occupational therapy is integrated and implemented in the primary special...

Kantnerová, Sára
Ergoterapie jako součást vestibulární rehabilitace u pacientů s centrálním postižením.

The bachelor's thesis deals with the issue of vestibular rehabilitation in patients with central disability from the perspective of occupational therapy. In the theoretical part, the basic terms associated with the vestibular system, its functions and possible disorders are presen-�...

Hromiaková, Andrea
Vliv chronické bolesti na kvalitu života pacientů s vertebrogenním algickým syndromem z pohledu ergoterapeuta

The bachelor thesis deals with the effect of chronic pain on the quality of life of patients with vertebrogenic algic syndrome. In the theoretical part, it discusses pain as such, chro-nic pain, quality of life and back pain. Since chronic back pain affects a large part&#...

Bayerová, Adéla
Využití prvků akrální koaktivační terapie při terapii spasticity

This bachelor's thesis deals with affecting spasticity of the upper limb with the help of braces to the roots of the palms. The thesis is divided into a theoretical part, whose chapters are devoted to the origin, the problem of spasticity and the possibilities of its&...

Hejduková, Simona
Role fyzioterapeuta v léčbě obezity v lázních

The bachelor's thesis deals with finding out the effect of spa and rehabilitation treatment in patients with obesity. The work is divided into a theoretical and a practical part. The theoretical part contains basic information about obesity. It is a definition, examination, treatmen...

Kabátová, Klára
Sledování účinků senzomotorických vložek na valgozitu dolní končetiny

The bachelor's thesis focuses on monitoring the effects of sensorimotor insoles on lower limb valgus among children of younger school age with a diagnosed functional defect of pes valgus. The thesis describes the kinesiology of individual segments of the lower limb, valgus including...

Tiralová, Aneta
Úloha fyzioterapie při léčbě dětské obezity

This bachelor's thesis deals with the effect of spa therapeutic rehabilitation care for children with obesity. The main goal of the work is to determine its effectiveness in reducing fat and body weight and its effect on the physiological functions and psyche of patients.

Dvořáčková, Petra
Využití roboticky-asistovaného rehabilitačního přístroje MYRO, ke zlepšení kognitivních funkcí, u pacienta se získaným poškozením mozku

This bachelor's thesis is focused on the use of the robotically-assisted rehabilitation device MYRO in patients with a cognitive deficit which resulted from acquired brain damage. The main goal is to find out what effects the MYRO device has on the cognitive functions of p...

Merclová, Gabriela
Smyslová stimulace u osob s Alzheimerovou chorobou a s demencí z pohledu ergoterapeuta

This Bachelor thesis deals with sensory stimulation in people with Alzheimer´s dementia and with dementia from the perspective of an occupational therapist. It is divided into a theoretical and a practical part. The theoretical part deals with the human senses, sensory stimulation and&#...

Kolářová, Dominika
Riziko pádu u seniorů v institucionální péči z pohledu ergoterapie

Name and surname: Dominika Kolářová Department: Physiotherapy and occupational therapy Title of thesis: The risk of falling in institutional care from the perspective of an occupational therapist Consultant: PhDr. Ilona Zahradnická Number of pages - numbered: 78 Number of ...

Trnková, Eliška
Dynamika horního limitu trupové stabilizace v silovém tréninku

This bachleor's thesis was written to adress whether active trunk stabilization exercises have an effect on improving the quality of active trunk stabilization when performin the benchpress exercise with a neutral spinal alignment, and whether one stabilized maximum approaches one repetition&...

Tesařová, Daniela
Pohybová aktivita u jedinců s morbus Scheuermann

This bachelor's thesis deals with the determination of appropriate physical activity for patients with Scheuermann's disease as a result of examination to reduce pain, maintain or increase the range of motion of the spine and shoulder joints. The work is divided into two pa...

Vokurka, Adam
Možnosti fyzioterapie u pacientek po léčbě nemetastatického karcinomu prsu

This bachelor´s thesis deals with the possibilities of physiotherapy in patients after treatment of non-metastatic breast cancer. The main aim of this thesis is to evaluate the importance of individual physiotherapy intervention in patients after partial breast resection for non-metastatic cancer...

Vaníčková, Eliška
Úloha fyzioterapeuta při lázeňské léčbě gastroenterologických onemocnění

The bachelor thesis focuses on complex spa treatment of gastroenterological diseases. The theoretical part presents a short overview of the history of the spa industry in the Czech Republic and in the world. It also describes functional disorders of the GIT, selected diseases of&#x...

Veselá, Veronika
Fyzioterapie vybrané periferní parézy na horní končetině

The bachelor's thesis discusses the issue of peripheral paresis of the median nerve with a focus on carpal tunnel syndrome. The work consists of a theoretical and a practical part. The theoretical part summarizes knowledge about the nerve, its damage, examination methods and ph...

Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 41 až 60 z 727