Bakalářské práce / Bachelor´s works (KFE) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Kašová, Tereza
Úloha hipoterapie v rehabilitaci dětí s dětskou mozkovou obrnou This bachelor's thesis deals with the role of hippotherapy in the rehabilitation of pediatric patients with diagnosed cerebral palsy and the possibilities of using hippotherapy in physiotherapy in this industry. The aim of this thesis is to evaluate the meaning and results after... |
Landsinger, Ondřej
Přínos fyzioterapie v eliminaci důsledků sedavého zaměstnání The bachelor thesis focuses on the elimination of muscular imbalances resulting from sedentary occupations. The theoretical part addresses the most commonly affected parts of the body, specifically the head and neck, shoulders, spine, and hips. Historical facts on the topic of sitting f... |
Malý, Daniel
Taping dle McConnel u pacientů s femoropatelárním syndromem The bachelor thesis "McConnell Taping for Patients with Patellofemoral Syndrome" addresses the issues related to the patellofemoral joint and its treatment using taping based on the study conducted by Australian physiotherapist Jenny McConnell. The thesis consists of theoretical and practica... |
Kříž, Jan
Porovnání efektivity kombinované terapie a radiální rázové vlny na ošetření trigger pointů The bachelor thesis is focused on comparing the effectiveness of radial shock wave therapy and combined therapy in treating trigger points. The theoretical part of the thesis describes the issues and types of reflex changes, basic principles and mechanisms of radial shock wave ther... |
Maršálková, Lucie
Fyzioterapie v paliativní péči dětského pacienta The bachelor thesis deals with determining the extent of the demands on physiotherapists in pediatric palliative care from both physical and psychological perspectives. The theoretical part covers the characteristics of pediatric palliative care itself, physiotherapy methods used in this field, a... |
Jírová, Bára
Využití prvků akrální koaktivační terapie ve fyzioterapii seniorů This bachelor thesis focuses on the application of acral coactivation therapy elements in physiotherapy for seniors. The thesis is divided into theoretical and practical part. Theoretical part describes the classification of aging, the most common condition problems faced by seniors, and con... |
Jasovský, Dominik
Náplň lekcí těhotenského cvičení pohledem fyzioterapeuta This bachelor thesis is dedicated to setting the right concept of pregnancy exercise from the point of view of physiotherapy. It is divided into theoretical and practical parts. In the theoretical part I mainly focus on the physical changes that pregnancy causes, how these cha... |
Götzová, Petra
Vliv postavení plodu na držení těla a zatížení dolních končetin těhotné ženy This bachelor thesis focuses on the effect of fetal position on lower limb loading and posture in pregnant women. The theoretical part briefly describes the anatomy of the pelvis and pelvic floor, physiological changes during pregnancy, fetal development, and last but not least, fe... |
Dolívková, Lucie
Komerčně dostupné polohovací pomůcky pro děti kojeneckého věku a jejich vhodné užití. The bachelor's thesis focuses on the appropriate use of positioning aids for infants. The theoretical part describes motor development in infancy, the basics of correct handling of the child and types of positioning aids. In the practical part, 4 children in different months of... |
Coufalová, Veronika
Počítačové programy pro trénink kognitivních funkcí u klientů s mírnou kognitivní poruchou. This bachlero's thesis deals with computer programs for training cognitive functions in clients with mild cognitive impairment. The theoretical part is focused on mild cognitive impair-ment and cognitive functions. It also focused on therapeutic interventions for mild cognitive im-pairment, which&... |
Mazurová, Dominika
Moderní přístupy a jejich význam k podpoře motorických funkcí u dětí do 3 let z pohledu ergoterapeuta The bachelor thesis deals with the issue of psychomotor development and aids forming this development in children with pathological deviations up to 3 years of age from the perspecti-ve of occupational therapy. In the theoretical part, the basic developmental milestones of mo-tor develo... |
Boháčková, Vlastimila
Využití prvků ergonomie při práci se stolním počítačem na základních školách v Plzeňském kraji z pohledu ergoterapeuta This bachelor thesis deals with the use of ergonomic elements in the use of desktop computers in primary schools in the Pilsen region from the perspective of an occupational therapist. The aim of the thesis is to identify health risks associated with the use of desktop... |
Čechová, Michaela
Význam fyzioterapie v těhotenství v rámci přípravy na porod The bachelor thesis focuses on the topic of the influence of physiotherapy and exer cise during pregnancy as part of the preparation for childbirth in the last weeks before the actual birth of the child. The theoretical part focuses on the physiological changes in a woman... |
Jadlovská, Sára
Využití kineziotapu ke zlepšení kvality života u pacientů s vertebrogenním algickým syndromem The Bachelor thesis deals with the determination of whether the Kinesiotaping method can have a positive influence on the quality of life and pain intensity reduction in patients diagnosed with vertebrogenic algic syndrome resulting from functional disorders. It defines the basic terms ... |
Machovcová, Kateřina
Využití nových technologií v ergoterapii u pacientů s poruchou hybnosti horní končetiny This bachelor's thesis focuses on the utilization of virtual reality headsets in occupational therapy for patients with upper limb mobility disorders. It is divided into two main parts. The theoretical section includes a description of kinesiology and the function of the upper limb,... |
Mužíková, Monika
Protetická rehabilitace u pacienta s transradiální amputací This bachelor thesis summarizes and presents prosthetic rehabilitation at the level of transradial amputation. The entire work is conducted as research, focusing on the theoretical processing of information and various facts or innovations related to this topic. Prosthetic rehabilitation is a... |
Šourková, Markéta
Ortotické vybavení po cévní mozkové příhodě This bachelor thesis deals with post-stroke orthotic eguipment. orthotic equipment. It is divided into two parts, theoretical and practical. The theoretical part deals with stroke, specifically risk factors, division and consequences. It also describes options for appropriate orthotic devices. The... |
Ichová, Kristýna
Specifika ergoterapie u vestibulární rehabilitace Vestibular rehabilitation promotes compensatory mechanisms in the vestibular system with a focus on improving stability, reducing the risk of falls and reducing dizziness. The role of occupational therapy in vestibular rehabilitation is to maintain maximum self-sufficiency in activities of daily ... |
Sedláčková, Zuzana
Specifika komunikace s pacientem po traumatické amputaci The goal of the thesis is to obtain information about communication with patients after traumatic amputation. The theoretical part is focused on familiarization with the issue of amputations, mainly traumatic amputations, as well as on communication and communication in the healthcare sector... |
Sadílek, Jan
Protetika horní končetiny v dětském věku The bachelor thesis deals with the technology of manufacturing upper limb pro-stheses in pediatric patients. The aim is to find out and to map in detail the specifics of the prosthetic equipment that we encounter in pediatric upper limb prosthetics. The aim is to describe ... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Vysokoškolské kvalifikační práce / Theses
- Fakulta zdravotnických studií / Faculty of Health Care Studies
- Katedra rehabilitačních oborů / Department of Rehabilitation Science