Název: Britská korunní závislá území (dependence) z perspektivy politické geografie
Další názvy: British Crown dependencies from perspective of political geography
Autoři: Vošahlík, Ondřej
Vedoucí práce/školitel: Šanc David, PhDr. Ph.D.
Oponent: Hlaváček Pavel, PhDr. Ph.D.
Datum vydání: 2017
Nakladatel: Západočeská univerzita v Plzni
Typ dokumentu: bakalářská práce
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11025/27181
Klíčová slova: korunní závislá území;dependence;jersey;guernsey;man;spojené království;politická geografie
Klíčová slova v dalším jazyce: british crown dependencies;jersey;guernsey;man;united kingdom;political geography
Abstrakt: Britské korunní dependence Jersey a Gurnsley se nacházejí v oblasti Lamanšského průplavu, ostrov Man leží v Irském moři. Tyto korunní dependence mají zcela specifické postavení v rámci Spojeného království a na rozdíl od zámořských území jsou ve vlastnictví Koruny, která je na ostrově zastoupena v osobě viceguvernéra (Lieutenant Governor). Všechna území mají vysokou míru autonomie, tzn. vlastní vlády, zastupitelské sbory a samosprávní úřady. Dependence si určují svou vlastní měnovou, hospodářskou a imigrační politiku. Cílem práce je srovnání korunních dependencí, jejich politického zřízení, postavení v rámci Spojeného království a na mezinárodním poli. Uvedeny jsou rozdíly mezi jednotlivými dependencemi a popsány historické důvody, které k těmto odlišnostem v uspořádání nebo postavení jednotlivých dependencí vedly.
Abstrakt v dalším jazyce: This bachelor thesis deals with the Crown Dependencies from the point of view of the political geography. The Crown dependencies are the Isle of Man, the Bailiwick of Guernsey and the Bailiwick of Jersey. The head of each Crown Dependency is the British Queen represented by the Lieutnant Governer. Because of this representation Crown Dependencies have a specific relationship to the United Kingdom but they are not part of it. They have their own directly elected goverments and legal systems. The aim of my bachelor thesis is to compare historical development and political systems of the Crown Dependencies and describe their relationship with the United Kingdom. Until the thirtee century The Isle of Man had been a part of the larger Viking´s Kingdom called Sudreys when the Scotish King Alexander III of Scotland obtained the Island. In the fourteen century the island came into the possession of the Henry IV, who gave the island to the Stanley family as a fief. The British Crown bought the Isle of Man in eighteen century and since than it has been a possession of the British Crown In the tenth century The Channel Islands and Normandy became part of the Kingdom of England, when England was conqured by Wiliam II of Normandy also known as William the Conqueror. In the early twelve century the King John lost Normandy, but managed to retain control of the Channel Islands. His succesor Henry III of England granted the islands to his son in 1254, the future Edward I, insisting they were never to be separated from the Crown. Since then, the Channel Islands have been governed as possessions of the Crown. The Jersey and the Isle of Man have ministerial systems of goverment and their legislatures are directly elected. Head of the goverment on both islands is Chief Ministr. Guernsey has directly elected legislature and its goverment operates on system of Policy Councils. Every policy council is repsonsible for its own political agenda. All islands can make their own legislature decision, but primary legislation require Royal Assent. The United Kingdom is responsible for good goverment, international relationships and defence of the islands. Crown dependencies also have their own fiscal system. In the twentieth century, all Crown dependencies enact favorable tax laws. These laws allow the islands to become the successful offshore financial centers.
Práva: Plný text práce je přístupný bez omezení.
Vyskytuje se v kolekcích:Bakalářské práce / Bachelor´s works (KAP)

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