Applied mechanics 2018 Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Klesa, Jan
Design of the propeller for tilt-rotor UAV Tilt-wing and tilt-rotor unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) represents promising direction for the future development. This paper presents the method for the preliminary design optimization of the propeller for such vehicle. It should be capable to generate high thrust in both forward flight... |
Hajžman, Michal
Dynamics of rotating systems with rolling element bearings This paper deals with a suitable approach to the computational modelling of rolling element bearings in the framework of rotating systems dynamics. Various alternative approaches are briefly summarized and a chosen moderately complex approach is described in more detail. The presented bearin... |
Goga, Vladimír
Murín, Justín
Kutiš, Vladimír
Paulech, Juraj
Gálik, Gabriel
Parameter identification of linear mechanical system This paper presents discrete mathematical model for linear mechanical system composed of a steel cantilever beam with added mass at the beam's free end and further mass suspended on the beam by means of a tension spring. System parameters were first obtained by their direc... |
Gálik, Gabriel
Kutíš, Vladimír
Paulech, Juraj
Goga, Vladimír
Thermo-hydraulics and termo-mechanical loading of VVER-440 reactor pressure vessel This article describes a pressure thermal shock simulation methodology and procedure. The article also describes the pressure thermal shock phenomenon (PTS) within a reactor pressure vessel resulting from a small-break loss of coolant accident. The SB-LOCA transient is modelled using a trans... |
Dyk, Štěpán
Vortex induced vibration of 1D beam-type continua The contribution focuses on the modelling of vibration of 1D beam-type continua induced by cross flow of a fluid. The influence of fluid flow is represented by the harmonic force whose frequency depends on the Strouhal number. Based on the widely used FEM formulation, vector... |
Dlhý, Pavol
Poduška, Jan
Náhlík, Luboš
Berer, Michael
Gosch, Anja
Hutař, Pavel
Compression-loaded cracked cylinder: stress intensity factor evaluation Production of plastic parts by injection moulding is accompanied by many defects, usually caused by the shrinkage of the material. Despite the effort of manufacturers, it is not possible to get rid of all defects from manufactured parts. These defects can be places of later... |
Byrtus, Miroslav
Basic properties of a bistable mechanical oscillator The contribution deals with analysis of dynamical properties of 1 DOF bistable mechanical oscillators. These systems appear in many technical applications which advantageously use their both static and dynamic properties. First, a mechanical mode based on von Mises truss is introduced and... |
Bulín, Radek
Dynamic analysis on nonlinear flexible multibody systems using newmark integration scheme A mathematical description of multibody mechanical systems containing flexible bodies often leads to a nonlinear set of differential–algebraic equations of motion which can be solved using various numerical integration schemes. In this paper, the possibilities of the commonly known Newmark integr... |
Brašnová, Jaroslava
Lukeš, Vladimír
Rohan, Eduard
Identification of multi-compartment darcy flow model material parameters This papper deals with modelling of blood perfusion in the liver tissue and focuses on the identification of the model parameters. For a description of perfusion a multi-compartment Darcy model is used. This model describes a hierarchical flow in the tree structure of the live... |
Náhlík, Luboš
Frydrýšek, Karel
Hajžman, Michal
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- Applied mechanics
- 30 2018