Katedra geografie / Department of Geography
Zobrazit statistikyKolekce
Poslední příspěvky
Vorobljevová, Veronika
Novotná, Marie
Development of Business Activities in Peripheral Parts of Rural Areas, Western Bohemia The aim of this paper is to assess the development of business activities in the Czech countryside in the period from 2008 to the present and to show possible limitations and perspectives of this area. The research was conducted by analysing economic entities located in r... |
Preis, Jiří
Waldmannová, Barbora
SDGS a jejich ohlas na sociálních sítích: analýza projektů zaměřených na udržitelný rozvoj publikovaných na LinkedInovém profilu světového ekonomického fóra Sustainable Development Goals and social networks are two current topics, the combination of which can be a compelling means of change for a better and sustainable future. The paper deals with the analysis of video contributions published on the profile of the World Economic F... |
Ježek, Jiří
Majer, Tomáš
Komunitní energetika a bariéry jejího zavádění The paper addresses the issue of community energy development and barriers to its implementation in practice. It is the result of a content analysis of literature and other strategic and conceptual materials, and 15 expert interviews conducted in three selected municipalities and... |
Vorobljevová, Veronika
PODNIKÁNÍ V RURÁLNÍM PROSTORU This dissertation deals with research on entrepreneurship in peripheral rural areas of the Czech Republic. It makes use of questionnaire survey, the Delphi method, expert interviews and statistical methods in the author's own research. The theoretical part defines rural areas, entrepreneurshi... |
Sekera, Jan Carlos
HIV infection, COVID-19, and vaccination against COVID-19 infection in sub-populations of men who have sex with men (MSM) during the COVID-19 pandemic in the Czech Republic: A questionnaire survey Aim: MSM is one of the key groups to HIV. The COVID-19 pandemic and the restrictions implemented in connection with it have fundamentally changed social and sexual life. These effects may have been much more potent for minority groups, such as MSM, than for the majority... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Publikační činnost / Publications
- Fakulta ekonomická / Faculty of Economy