Disertační práce / Dissertations (KEM) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Petrenko, Olesya
Terciární vzdělávání a jeho vliv na hospodářský rozvoj v členských státech EU The purpose of the thesis is to analyse the relation between education and economic growth with focus on the education structure that is often overlooked. Although the positive effect of education on economy and economic growth is often taken for granted and backed by theory,&... |
Říhová, Pavla
Kolísání ceny akcie a predikce ceny akcie pomocí fundamentální a technické analýzy The dissertation focuses on the analysis of stock prices and their changes for selected companies. These large organizations are listed in the Prague Stock Exchange (PSE) and included into a stock exchange index PX. The subject of examination is the behaviour of the tertiary t... |
Babuněk, Ondřej
Komplexní analýza faktorů ovlivňujících příliv přímých zahraničních investic v globální ekonomice Foreign direct investment (FDI) inflows have a few positive effects on the host country economy. Almost all countries in the world are trying to attract foreign investment and progressive technology to their countries. However, there are many factors determining the inflow of FDI i... |
Martinčík, David
Vliv chování firem na hospodářský cyklus (DSGE přístup) Thesis focuses on the possibilities how to model the impact of firms' behavior on fluctuation of the economy. At first the dichotomy of contemporary economics is introduced and also the weak spots of mainstream economics are identified... |
Mičudová, Kateřina
Úpadky podniků - využití predikčních modelů This dissertation deals with the issues of using predictive models in companies. The ability to successfully derive future values of key variables has always belonged with the objects of human interest and has not even avoided the business sector. For several decades, many ec... |
Svoboda, Milan
Oceňování podniku a výzkum predikce pohybu cen jeho akcií The topic of this dissertation is "Business valuation and its share price movement pre-diction research". The aim of this paper is application of Markov chains to stochastic modelling of short-term prediction of share price movement and applicability of these prediction models for&... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Publikační činnost / Publications
- Fakulta ekonomická / Faculty of Economy
- Katedra ekonomie a kvantitativních metod / Department of Economics and Quantitative Methods