Články / Articles (KEV) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Antchev, G.
Aspell, P.
Atanassov, I.
Avati, V.
Baechler, J.
Barrera, C. Baldenegro
Berardi, V.
Berretti, M.
Bossini, E.
Bottigli, U.
Bozzo, M.
Bruce, R.
Burkhardt, H.
Cafagna, F.S.
Catanesi, M.G.
Csanád, M.
Csörgö, T.
Deile, M.
De Leonardis, F.
D´Orazio, A.
Doubek, Martin
Druzhkin, D.
Eggert, K.
Eremin, V.
Ferro, F.
Fiergolski, A.
Garcia, F.
Garcia Morales, H.
Georgiev, Vjačeslav
Giani, S.
Grzanka, L.
Hammerbauer, Jiří
Heino, J.
Helander, P.
Isidori, T.
Ivanchenko, V.
Janda, Martin
Karev, A.
Kašpar, Jiří
Kopal, J.
Kundrát, Vojtěch
Lami, S.
Latino, G.
Lauhakangas, R.
Linhart, Richard
Lindsey, C.
Lokajíček, Miloš
Losurdo, L.
Lo Vetere, M.
Rodríguez, F. Lucas
Macrí, M.
Malawski, M.
Mereghetti, A.
Minafra, N.
Minutoli, S.
Mirarchi, D.
Naarranoja, T.
Nemes, F.
Niewiadomski, H.
Novak, T.
Oliveri, E.
Oljemark, F.
Oriunno, M.
Österberg, K.
Palazzi, P.
Passaro, V.
Peroutka, Zdeněk
Procházka, Jiří
Quinto, M.
Radermacher, E.
Radicioni, E.
Ravotti, F.
Redaelli, S.
Robutti, E.
Royon, C.
Ruggiero, G.
Saarikko, H.
Salvachua, B.
Scribano, A.
Široký, Jan
Smajek, J.
Snoeys, W.
Stefanovitch, R.
Sziklai, J.
Taylor, C.
Tcherniaev, E.
Turini, N.
Vacek, Václav
Valentino, G.
Welti, J.
Wenninger, J.
Williams, J.
Wyszkowski, P.
Zich, Jan
Zielinski, K.
First determination of the ρ parameterat at √s = 13 TeV: probing the existence of a colourless C-odd three-gluon compound state The TOTEM experiment at the LHC has performed the first measurement at √s = 13 TeV of the ρ parameter, the real to imaginary ratio of the nuclear elastic scattering amplitude at t = 0, obtaining the following results: ρ = 0.09 ± 0.01 and ρ = 0.10 ± 0.0... |
Janouš, Štěpán
Talla, Jakub
Šmídl, Václav
Peroutka, Zdeněk
Constrained LQR control of dual induction motor single inverter drive Control of dual induction motor fed by a single voltage source inverter is a challenging task especially during unbalanced load conditions on each motor. Such drive configurations are common for example in traction. Conventional control algorithms solve the control of each motor in ... |
Gonzalez-Teodoro, Jorge Rafael
Romero-Cadaval, Enrique González
Asensi, Rafael
Prieto, Roberto
Kindl, Vladimír
New electrical parameters extraction method based on simplified 3D model using finite element analysis Purpose–The purpose of this paper is the presentation of an electrical equivalent circuit for inductivecomponents as well as the methodology for electrical parameter extraction by using a 3 Dfinite elementanalysis (FEA) tool.Design/methodology/approach–A parameter extraction based on energies has ... |
González-Teodoro, Jorge Rafael
Romero-Cadaval, Enrique
Asensi, Rafael
Kindl, Vladimír
Determination of wire resistance caused by skin effect using modified 3D finite element model The article introduces methodology of lowering time and computational requirements for complex 3D finite element analysis. It is based on approximation of winding cross section with a proper polygonal shape which significantly reduces the number of mesh elements and eases the computational... |
Kindl, Vladimír
Frivaldský, Michal
Zavřel, Martin
Pavelek, Miroslav
Generalized design approach on industrial wireless chargers The paper briefly discusses the most important standards and regulations established for high-power wireless power transfer systems and introduces the main issues concerned with the conceptual design process. It analyses the electromagnetic design of the inductive magnetic coupler and proposes ke... |
Laksar, Jan
Improved calculation of the slot leakage inductance of different slot shapes The slot leakage inductance calculation is an important element of the electric machine’s design. The empirical definitions are described in the literature and widely used until today. The crucial parameter is the slot permeance factor which defines the influence of slot dimensions on... |
Kroneisl, Michal
Šmídl, Václav
Peroutka, Zdeněk
Janda, Martin
Predictive control of IM drive acoustic noise |
Kindl, Vladimír
Čermák, Radek
Ferková, Želmíra
Skala, Bohumil
Review of time and space harmonics in multi-phase induction machine |
Zavřel, Martin
Kindl, Vladimír
Pechánek, Roman
Franc, Jiří
Sensorless control strategy of cooler for reduction dimensions and operating characteristic improvement in double three-phase inverter |
Kindl, Vladimír
Pechánek, Roman
Zavřel, Martin
Kavalír, Tomáš
Turjanica, Pavel
Inductive coupling system for electric scooter wireless charging: electromagnetic design and thermal analysis |
Komrska, Tomáš
Glasberger, Tomáš
Pulse width modulation of three phase inverters based on linear programming Traditional three-phase voltage-source inverters supplied by constant dc-link voltage usually utilize the space vector PWM to achieve maximum output voltage. This paper deals with optimization of inverter leg voltages using linear programming method. System definition is based on the relationship ... |
Dragoun, Jaroslav
Talla, Jakub
Košan, Tomáš
Converter Power Losses Computation by FPGA-based HIL Simulator : Invited Paper Converter losses play a crucial role in the process of power converter design. Especially semiconductor components and heat sink selection are strongly dependent on the total power converter losses and thus affect the power converter size and its price. The most popular techniques ... |
Bhajana, V.V.Subrahmanya Kumar
Drábek, Pavel
A Novel ZCS/ZVS Bidirectional DC-DC Converter for Energy Storage Applications In this paper, a new soft-switched non-isolated bidirectional converter is proposed. This proposed converter is operated with soft-switching (zero current switching / zero voltage switching). It is implemented during the turn-on of main switching devices, with the addition of auxiliary reson... |
Kehl, Zdeněk
Glasberger, Tomáš
Analysis of three-level neutral point piloted power converter topology This paper deals with three-level topology of neutral point piloted converters (3L-NPP). These converters can be realized in two variants. The first one is represented by one power semiconductor switch only placed in the top and bottom part of an output leg of a half brid... |
Kroneisl, Michal
Measurement and evaluation of electromagnetic noise This paper deals with measurement and evaluation of electromagnetic noise generated by induction electric motor fed by inverter controlled by PWM. It suggests and describes possible method of evaluation the electromagnetic noise which can be used in real-time applications. |
Bláha, Štěpán
Komrska, Tomáš
Šmídl, Václav
Glasbergerová, Vendula
Peroutka, Zdeněk
Multi-harmonic LQ control of single-phase converter with LCL filter Control of single-phase converters connected to the grid via an LCL filter is a demanding issue due to risk of oscillations. A linear-quadratic (LQ) controller enabling besides standard pure sine control also a multi-harmonic current reference is proposed in the paper. Such a desig... |
Kindl, Vladimír
Byrtus, Miroslav
Skala, Bohumil
Kůs, Václav
Key assembling issues relating to mechanical vibration of fabricated rotor of large induction machines In many applications, where rotating machines of high power are used, high demands on reliability and safety are laid. Precise manufacturing procedures has to be kept even in case of machines retrofits when e.g. rotors are newly assembled. Even small inaccuracies or misguiding the&... |
Franc, Jiří
Pechánek, Roman
Kindl, Vladimír
Zavřel, Martin
Ventilation system with skewed rotor cooling ducts of 40-MW synchronous machine: a case study This paper describes modified ventilation system and thermal analysis of low-power 40-MW turbo generator. The study compares thermal behaviour of the machine for three different arrangements of the rotor ventilation ducts. Variations of both the sub-slot and the radial ducts are analysed.... |
Streit, Luboš
Talla, Jakub
Janda, Martin
Tram LC filter stabilization by Energy Storage system The paper is focused on the tram input LC traction filter stabilization by the Energy Storage System. The input LC filter is almost undamped resonant circuit which is mainly excited by the motor constant torque command. The tram during voltage drops increases the current flow&... |
Blahník, Vojtěch
Košan, Tomáš
Peroutka, Zdeněk
Talla, Jakub
Control of AC/DC modular multilevel converter In recent years, a special attention is paid to grid connected multilevel converters. These converters have specific use in industry in a high power, medium-voltage and high-voltage applications. This paper presents new control algorithm for single-phase AC/DC modular multilevel converter wi... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Publikační činnost / Publications
- Fakulta elektrotechnická / Faculty of Electrical Engineering
- Katedra elektromechaniky a výkonové elektroniky / Department of Electromechanical Engineering and Power Electronics