Katedra soukromého práva a civilního procesu / Department of Private Law and Civil Proceedings
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Zítek, Adam
Vlastnictví bytů a nebytových prostor This work deals with the issue of flat and non-residential ownership, in other words a special proprietary right the object of which is a flat or non-residential room combined with obligatory co-ownership of the building. The aim of the work is to generalize basic ... |
Zárybnická, Jana
Pojištění odpovědnosti za škodu Third party liability insurance is compacted to profit the compensation for the damage and loss; it is the indemnity insurance, according to the rules of law. The problem of judging the risks, which would be beard by the insurer, if he binds oneself with the insurance... |
Neradová, Věra
Ochrana soukromí ve zdravotnictví The object of this research paper is the effort to illustrate the state of legal regulation concerning privacy protection of a patient in the Czech Republic and the consequences such legal regulation has on legal practice. The aim of this research paper is to answer the... |
Vymazal, Lukáš
Výkon zástavního práva k nemovitostem The thesis deals with some legal aspects of mortgage and, in particular, it is focused on the ways in which a creditor can realize his right in real property serving as collateral in order to settle his secured debt. The goal of dissertation is to analyze the... |
Lego, Jan
Právní úprava neziskového sektoru This Ph.D. assignment is focused on legal regulation of the nonprofit sector in Czech legal system. Following the general definition of the theme - civil society and non-profit sector - the main part of the assignment focuses on the civic association of an act 83/1990... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Publikační činnost / Publications
- Fakulta právnická / Faculty of Law