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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 18 of 18
Novák, Martin
Optimalizace geometrie filtru spalin, syntéza poznatků

This dissertation focuses on the simulation of the piping system preceding the SCR catalyst. The work explores five fundamental geometric modifications of systems designed to enhance the distribution of flue gas entering the catalyst through straightforward geometric adjustments. A key element&#x...

Hurda, Lukáš
Numerická analýza proudění v turbostrojích s vlivem vybraných geometrických prvků a proudových jevů

The non-standard behaviour of a centrifugal compressor equipped with inlet radial guide vanes during measurements on a development test bench is discussed. The problem is identified and described by means of a detailed evaluation of measurement data, dimensional analysis, mean flow calculati...

Žitek, Pavel
Komplexní problematika průtočné části vzduchové turbiny

The thesis deals with the problem of the flow deviation behind the rotor row of an axial turbine stage. The aim of the work is to quantitatively describe the variation of the exit flow angle from the stage in the axial gap and to determine the magnitude of ...

Sláma, Václav
Vliv koncepčního uspořádání regulačního systému turbíny na charakter 3D proudění a na tlakové ztráty

The theme of the dissertation thesis is to study flow in particular governing system parts with the focus on pressure losses. There are elaborated facts about the general theory, results of measurements on the model and numerical analyses. Evaluated data complement each other. Pres...

Klimko, Marek
Vliv incidenčního úhlu na proudění v oběžné mříži turbínového stupně

Experimental and numerical evaluation of the incidence effect on turbine stage bucket and effective bucket angle of attack prediction.

Mrózek, Lukáš
Experimentální výzkum proudění v úzkých štěrbinách odlehčovacího systému regulačních ventilů parních turbín

The dissertation focuses on experimental research of flow through the relief slot, which is part of the control valves of steam turbines and facilitates their handling. The aim of the work is to refine the results of numerical simulations of the flow of the medium through...

Pospíšil, Vít
Alternativní zdroj tepla pro vytápění středních a velkých měst

Replacement possibilities of brown coal usage in the heating sector of the Czech Republic with a suitable alternative heat source from the state perspective after the Czech Republic's exit from its own fossil energy policy are assessed in this dissertation. In the introduction, ...

Kollross, Petr
Nestacionarity při proudění ve ventilech

This work deals with flow in high-pressure turbine control valves. The main task of this work is to collect knowledge of instability inside valves respectively inside diffuser. Results of this work are to define stable and unstable areas of valve flow characteristic.

Uher, Jan
Vliv ucpávkových proudů na integrální charakteristiky turbínového stupně

The thesis is devoted to the theoretical, experimental and computational research of the effect of the mixing of parasitic and main flows in an axial turbine. The author summarizes his previous work, which focused on the theoretical analysis of turbine stages, preparation of...

Hezoučký, František
Samoregulace jaderných bloků s tlakovodními reaktory využitelná pro primární regulaci frekvence a předávaného výkonu

The presented thesis deals with analysys of phenomenon contribution on self-control processes at nuclear power units with pressurized water reactors. Application is mentioned for units with PWRs of VVER types VVER 440 a VVER 1000, operated in Czech Republik. It is possible to apply...

Sova, Libor
Výpočetní modelování proudění páry v turbíně

Computational simulation of steam flow is necessary for designing of highly efficient and reliable steam turbines. This thesis deals with some options how to improve computational methods. This topic is also in compliance with the needs of Doosan Škoda Power s.r.o. which therefore ...

Cheon, Junhong
Performance Prediction Methods of Cascade Blades in Steam Turbines

A better understanding of the mechanism of loss generation will aid steam path design and may lead to more reliable efficiency prediction when using a loss model. Loss estimation systems are still beneficial in the early stages of steam path design. A number of loss model...

Demjančuková, Kateřina
Vliv seismické události na redefinici havárie se ztrátou chladiva

The presented thesis deals with the issue of the impact of a seismic event on the frequency of occurrence of the Large Break (LB) Loss of Coolant Accident (LOCA) in the primary circuit of the nuclear power plant (NPP) Temelin. The topic of the thesis is extensive...

Syka, Tomáš
Vliv geometrických úprav na účinnost kompresorového stupně

The main task of this work is to find out an influence of the various design features presence on the radial compressor stage working characteristics. Specifically the influence of the cover and carrying disc seals, rotor blades transitional fillet influence and mainly the influenc...

Šmíd, František
Optimalizace technologie skladu vyhořelého jaderného paliva

The thesis analyzes the design, concept and presents possible solutions for optimal storage of radioactive waste and spent nuclear fuel (SNF and radioactive waste) used in nuclear power plants in the Czech Republic from the perspective of extensive international experience and their own...

Kalová, Jana
Termodynamické modelování podchlazené vody

The second critical point scenario of supercooled water is discussed in the thesis. It is shown that the complete scaling method can descirbe existing experimental data both in the linear scaling equation and in the mean-field approximation. A modification of the IAPWS equation was...

Janda, Zdeněk
Studie problematiky frézování feriticko-martenzitické oceli P91

Increasing of service temperature and pressure of working medium in power station as far as on values higher than 600°C and more than 25 MPa causes an increasing of power efficiency and a decrease of heat pollution. It causes increased requirements to construction materials of...

Sedlák, Kamil
Vliv syntetizovaného paprsku na proudění rozeviratelném difuzoru

The main task of this work is to acquire knowledge regarding the control of the boundary layer that originates in a planar diffuser with a synthetic jet; the influence on the boundary layer control of selected stream characteristics was researched. This primarily concerns the ...

Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 18 of 18