Publikace FAV / Publications of FAV
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Rana, Anand Singh
Gupta, Soniya
Garg, Sudesh Kumar
Kumar, Vivek
Awasthi, Mukesh Kumar
Irrotational flow analysis of Rayleigh-Taylor instability in nanofluid layer with tangential magnetic field The application of nanofluids in the presence of a magnetic field holds promise for advanced drug delivery sys tems, where controlled manipulation of magnetic nanoparticles within nanofluids can enhance targeted and local ized drug delivery. This study explores the instability of a visc... |
Nejlaoui, Mohamed
An improved vibrating particles system method for many-criteria engineering design applications Optimization is getting more and more important due to its application in real engineering problems. Recently, the vibrating particles system algorithm has been developed as an efficient method for mono-objective optimization. However, in multi- and many-objective design problems, the vibrating p... |
Kreuzová, Terezie
Transonic flow field in critical flow Venturi nozzle In this paper, theoretical and numerical analysis of a~transonic flow field of critical flow Venturi nozzles according to the ISO~9300 standard is performed. Deviations of the flow field from an estimate based on one dimensionality are clarified. While the theoretical analysis allows pr... |
Kazakov, Kirill E.
Calculation of the decomposition coefficients for plane contact problem kernel in the orthonormal basis Analytical solutions of some contact problems are infinite functional series according to the system of basic functions. When constructing such solutions, it becomes necessary to represent the kernels of integral equations describing the process of interaction in the form of two-dimensional ... |
Chebra, Abdelhak Fellague
Braikia, Mohamed
Khelil, Ali
Bedrouni, Mohammed
Driss, Zied
Numerical study of turbulent flows around a cubic obstacle blown from a variable geometry jets diffuser This research focuses on utilizing numerical simulation to analyse how modifications in the air jet diffuser shape impact the cooling efficiency of electronic parts. The main aim of this study is to understand the physical and thermal mechanisms involved in the process. The study... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Publikační činnost / Publications
- Fakulta aplikovaných věd / Faculty of Applied Sciences
- 1306 conferenceObject
- 1259 konferenční příspěvek
- 378 article
- 373 článek
- další >
- 513 2020 - 2024
- 964 2010 - 2019
- 162 2000 - 2009
- 43 1992 - 1999