Číslo 3 (2008) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Žižka, Miroslav
Deset let existence časopisu E+M Ekonomie a management The article sums up the background of the establishment and development of the E+M Econo- mics and Management journal. The journal started up as a collective project between six regional faculties with economic specialization in 1998. The Faculty of Economics of the Te... |
Vohnout, Rudolf
Thin client usage in long-term archivation environment This paper focuses on a new approach to the solution of users‘ communication problem with the long-term archive services. In the business, government, or any other environment could be real situations, when usage of the original thick client cannot be applied because&... |
Komárková, Jitka
Máchová, Renáta
Bednarčíková, Ilona
Požadavky uživatelů na kvalitu webových stránek městského úřadu An importance of information and communication technologies for public administration is today evident. These technologies can, besides others, ease access of citizens and businessmen to information and services provided by public administration authorities. Inclusive society belongs ... |
Varga, Matej
Forecasting commodity prices with exponential smoothing Analyzing and forecasting price changes belongs to very actual themes nowadays. In comparison with the past, much more attention and researches are dedicated to forecasting methods also at the universities. In the following text we will present possibility of forecasting time series of&... |
Vlachý, Jan
Dynamický model zdanění příjmů fyzických osob This paper develops a model of personal income taxation, as it applies to entrepreneurs and free-lance professionals in the Czech Republic, using the technical parameters of the 2007-2009 schedules. The model is then used for comparative analysis, focusing on the changes... |
Honzáková, Iveta
Dědková, Jarmila
Měření výkonosti podniku a ziskovosti zákazníků ve firmách zabývajících se prodejem na B2C trzích This article describes facts resulting from partial survey. The purpose was to find out indicators of market performance used in companies dealing with sales. Most common indicator of efficiency in companies dealing with sales was volume of takings from sales and... |
Ďaďo, Jaroslav
Goliášová, Zuzana
Miesto symbolov v marketingovej komunikácii The article is concentrated on a marketing research in the area of application symbols in marke- ting communication. The research has two tendencies. First side observes appearance of symbols in Slovak printed periodic. The research finds out, that symbols occur in advertis... |
Keseljevic, Aleksandar
Going beyond the derogative attitude toward knowledge within particular scientific communities By establishing his own theoretical model, the author is seeking to approach to knowledge in an entirely new way. From the aspect of substance the author understands knowledge, as the key source of competitive advantage in the markets at the brake of the mil... |
Pavelková, Drahomíra
Jirčíková, Eva
Klastry jako nástroj konkurenceschopnosti firem Clusters in the Czech Republic are in relative early stage of their development. Most of them were established with strong support and subsidies from special operational programme „Clus- ters“ in the period 2004-2006. The paper contributes to the discussion concerning on... |
Šebestová, Jarmila
Szkandera, Igor
Bernatík, Werner
Analýza stavu malého a středního podniku v Moravskoslezském kraji pomocí metody VRIO The small and medium sized entrepreneurship is often considered to be as a phenomenon of our times. Why many authors dedicated their work on this field? „SME“ influence society life and contribute to economic development of the region, where they establish their ... |
Samson, Štefan
Teritoriálna štruktúra zahraničného obchodu v SR In the paper we concentrate on the analysis and the assessment of the foreign trade develop- ment in the Slovak republic in the period 2002-2006 with emphasization the territorial structure of the foreign trade. Using latest official annual date available up-to-date w... |
Sirůček, Pavel
Džbánková, Zuzana
Předchůdci neoklasické ekonomie Neoclassical theoretic-methodological system always has had many problematic locations that are currently accumulating by global acceleration. Neoclassical economics still performs dominant part or principle of modern standard economic theory. Conceptions and approaching of different kinds&... |
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