Číslo 1 (2009) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Klieštik, Tomáš
Kvantifikácia efektivity činností dopravných podnikov pomocou data envelopment analysis Effectiveness quantification of enterprises and identification of causes, eventually of resources of their inefficiency is an important assumption which determines their position in competitive set- ting. There are used lots of different quotient indicators to analyze effectiveness in pra... |
Zelenka, Josef
Information and communication technologies in tourism - influence, dynamics, trends The ICT influences tourism industry in a growing manner, both in the quantitative and qualitative aspects, with their final individual consumers and group‘s business users, in many dimensions and many non-predictable ways. The ICT penetration into the tourism sector will b... |
Giuliano, Angela
Mihók, Peter
Moksony, Réka
Vejačka, Martin
Vincová, Kristína
Financial services offered by a multidisciplinary B2B network Globalisation is pushing industries to act as world wide global players. Industries buy and sell all over the world. Supply chains today are complex networks where members are heterogeneous (companies of several industrial sectors such as manufacturing, finance and logistics).&... |
Rybyšarová, Marcela
Lelek, Tomáš
Financial stability of the czech insurance business Insurance business is one of the fastest growing sectors of the Czech economy. Growth of this sector is very important, but financial stability of individual subjects acting on this market are also very important. Financial stability and its analysis have become ... |
Matějka, Jan
Soudní přezkoumání promíjení daní v České republice The contribution is concerned with tax and tax attribution relief under article 55a of the Act No. 337/1992 Coll. on Tax Administration. As a fundamental matter appears the question the possi- bility of judicial review of decision on tax relief. Under article 78... |
Užík, Martin
Šoltés, Vincent
Vplyv zmeny ratingu na ceny spoločností obchodovaných na kapitálovom trhu Rating of a company listed in the capital market is a category which provides information on the credit of the given company. Especially rating of a distinguished rating agency, such as Moody‘s, is of significant information value. Moody‘s index provides rating evalua... |
Hommerová, Dita
Výzkum zavádění CRM v podnikové praxi There is a short output of research done among respondents concerning financial services in the Czech Republic and this is compared to foreign experience. This article points out that CRM should not be primarily understood as software only, but increasingly as managem... |
Madleňák, Radovan
Švadlenka, Libor
Akceptace internetové reklamy uživateli v České republice Marketing activities and e-commerce are taken among the most topical themes in the world. Advertising is commercial promotion of goods, services, companies and ideas, usually performed by an identified sponsor, and performed through a variety of media. Internet advertisi... |
Simová, Jozefína
Conceptual models of customer value: implications for clothing retailing The concept of customer value has attracted a lot of interest among scholars, marketing resear- chers and many marketing practitioners over last two decades. A lot has been written in terms of customer value definition and quite a few research studies have been co... |
Mazel, Jaromír
Customer value a podnikové sítě In recent years, a new attitude about consume market trend has become perceptible. Instead of looking for products, clients are looking for solutions. The key to success lies in creating flexible company networks that promise continuous innovation as answer to customer... |
Uhman, Jiří
Hnací síla rozvoje podniků This article is generally focused on the problems of the competitive strength and their optimal decisions in the area of strategic directing. I give the space mainly to the basic goals in the dire- cting of the firms, that I consider being a valuation of ... |
Laboutková, Šárka
The establishment of NGOs as one growing part of developing interest groups in the Czech republic The aim of this article introduces the establishment of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in the Czech Republic. They belong to interest groups, are interested in generally beneficial is- sues, are not directly part of the structure of government and act independently of... |
Kučerová, Jana
Makovník, Tomáš
Regional tourism policy in Slovakia Regional tourism policy is a necessary precondition for tourism development in Slovak regions and their competitiveness at the international tourism market. It is based on the set of necessary preconditions. They include attractive tourism potential such as supply, integrated m... |
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