Číslo 2 (2009) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Hub, Miloslav
Zatloukal, Michal
Towards establishing a score of usability evaluation The paper deals with the problem of finding a methodology which allows obtaining a score of usability evaluation for various kinds of user interfaces. The evaluation is in principle based on a de- finition of a set of properly chosen key characteristics affecting ... |
Antlová, Klára
Motivation and barriers of ICT adaptation in small and medium-size enterprises The objective of this chapter is to emphasize issues connected with adoption of information and communication technology (ICT) as a strategic tool contributing to further organisational growth. This understanding is based on the results of a qualitative analysis of a group... |
Pacáková, Viera
Šoltés, Erik
Šoltésová, Tatiana
Kredibilný odhad škodovej frekvencie Credibility theory in insurance is essentially a form of experience-rating that attempts to use the data in hand as well as the experience of others in determining rates and premiums. Two types of data are used in the process of estimation using models based... |
Meluzín, Tomáš
Výzkum prvotních veřejných nabídek akcií realizovaných na českém kapitálovém trhu Funding development of the company through the „Initial Public Offering“ has a high represen- tation globally, the Czech Republic unlike, and belongs to traditional methods of raising funds necessary for development of business in the developed capital markets. In the United... |
Nadiri, Halil
Tümer, Mustafa
Retail services quality and behavioural intentions: an empirical application of the retail service quality scale in Northern Cyprus In the highly competitive retail sector, the provision and measurement of superior retail service quality is crucial for gaining a sustainable competitive advantage. Service quality is an important strategic weapon in retail contexts, particularly in developing defensive marketing s... |
Bureš, Vladimír
Konceptuální perspektiva znalostního managementu Knowledge management is a relatively new discipline in the business administration field. It is fo- cused on knowledge that represents critical factor of organizations‘ successful development. The original concept of knowledge management can be perceived in two different ways in ... |
Benčová, Marianna
Kaľavská, Anna
Význam controllingu pro výkon společnosti: zkušenosti softwarové společnosti The article presents the result of research focused on the Importance of the Controllership for the company performance - Software Company Experience. The main objective of the research was to focus on the common financial problem areas in information technology industry,&... |
Sunega, Petr
Mikeszová, Martina
Lux, Martin
Příčiny regionálních nerovností ve finanční dostupnosti bydlení v ČR The aim of the article is to map the trend of one of dimensions of social inequalities in the consumption of housing - the trend of regional inequalities in housing affordability in the Czech Republic in the period 2000 - 2006. Due to the lack of... |
Šimíková, Ivana
Pfaffová, Zdeňka
Politika finančního cílování výdajové strany rozpočtu EU Financial ceiling policy is one of the most important budgetary instruments. Ceiling was introdu- ced by the Delors I (1988) to manage the first financial perspective and EU budget stability. Paper is focused on financial ceiling policy of the EU budget expenditures. F... |
Volejníková, Jolana
Reflexe korupce ve vývoji ekonomických teorií Data relating to corruption could fill up the whole library. Nevertheless, the object of interest could be categorized to different spheres: causes of corruption, results of corruption, analyses of corruption level in accordance with states, concrete corruption causes, anti-corrupti... |
Sedláček, Jaroslav
Valouch, Petr
Reálná hodnota v cenové regulaci přirozeného monopolu This paper deals with the regulation of the prices of natural monopoly in Czech Republic namely in the area of distribution of electricity. Monopoly is the sole supplier of the product on the market faces competition from other companies supplying the same or... |
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