Číslo 2 (2010) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Egerová, Dana
Mužík, Jaroslav
Aplikace metody Delphi při expertním stanovení faktorů ovlivňujících efektivnost e-learningu ve vzdělávání pracovníků v malých a středních podnicích The paper is focused on human resource development in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and on effective using of e-learning for employee training. The Delphi method has been used to identify factors influencing effectiveness of e-learning implementation for employee tr... |
Bachmann, Pavel
Disparity obcí v oblasti poskytování informací Many approaches on disparities among countries and regions can be found (i.e.:[12], [22]). One of these is to measure citizen involvement in public issues which is often used to benchmark civil society maturity of given country. However, we should not stay ... |
Šoltés, Michal
Vzťah speed certifikátov a inverznej vertical ratio call back spread opčnej stratégie Financial derivatives were introduced in 1981 when the European Option Exchange in Amster- dam was introduced. Despite some opinions that say that financial derivatives cause deformations in prices at financial markets, volume of sales of financial derivatives are annually rising.... |
Císař, Radomír
Dufala, Václav
Companies and derivates as a tool to hedge their risk In main part of this paper we describe and analyze some conclusions of previous studies regar- ding derivative instruments throughout the whole world. We attend more closely to the scale of derivatives utilization, types of derivatives used, risks hedged by these instrument... |
Suchánek, Petr
The fundamentals of prosperous e-shop in connection to search engine optimization Electronic business (e-business) is burgeoning area. E-business presents alternatives having amongst and significantly supports profitability and competitive advantage production and busine- ss subjects. E-shops are one of extension of e-business. There are millions of e-shop web pages &... |
Simová, Jozefína
Internationalization in the process of the czech retail development Over the last years, internationalization and globalization have been typical features of the retail development. Big retail chains expand their retail strategies and activities to many countries espe- cially in East Asia, Middle and Eastern Europe and Latin America. Similar tre... |
Zhang, Tao
Decomposing allocative efficiency for multi-product production systems Data envelopment analysis (DEA), the non-parametric approach to measuring efficiency, was widely used in the literature as a linear programming model. Since the DEA is non-parametric linear program model, the estimated efficiency might be biased if there is data aggregation... |
Ritschelova, Iva
Sidorov, Egor
Farský, Miroslav
Impact of waste deposition fees on enterprises in the Czech republic This article presents the partial results of the most extensive analysis focused at environmental fees ever made in the Czech Republic performed by Jan Evangelista Purkyne University in Usti nad Labem in collaboration with the Czech Statistical Office. The current paper... |
Daněk, Jan
Plevný, Miroslav
Teichmann, Dušan
The rational operation of the urban transport line network by minimisation of the needed vehicles The construction of the urban transport line network is one of the fundamental problems in the traffic practice. Efficient functioning of the public mass transportation supported from the public sources in the towns is more urgent at present, when the individual autom... |
Charouz, Jaroslav
Ramík, Jaroslav
A multicriteria decision making at portfolio management The article deals with an application of the methodology of Analytic Hierarchy process (AHP) and also its newly developed modification named FVK at portfolio management. The method AHP was published already in 1980s whereas FVK is a newly created tool enlarging applic... |
Damborský, Milan
Wokoun, René
Lokalizační faktory malého a středního podnikání v podmínkách ekonomiky ČR The first location theories are based on assumptions of perfect competition (e.g. J. H. von Thünen, A. Weber). These theories build fundaments for other classic or modern theories of lo- cation decision-making process. Modification of location theory was realized after deconstru... |
Nemec, Juraj
Meričková, Beáta
Štrangfeldová, Jana
The ownership form of hospitals from the viewpoints of economic theory and slovak practice The marketization of public services, among them health care service aims at a continuous incre- ase in public expenditure efficiency, continual improvements in public services quality, the imple- mentation of the professional management tools in the public sector and developing the... |
Bartóková, Ľudmila
The evolution of the monetary policy transmission mechanisms of V4 countries Monetary policy measures cannot directly affect the economy. Their impact is usually indirect and mediated through various channels of monetary transmission. The choice of particular trans- mission mechanism is determined by several factors that include the specific conditions of eac... |
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