Číslo 3 (2014) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Rosman, Pavel
Buřita, Ladislav
Concept of the computer science course and some aspects of ICT integration into education The paper summarizes the experience of teaching Computer Science for Economists (CSE) course at the Faculty of Management and Economics (FaME) at Tomas Bata University (TBU) in Zlín. The paper presents approaches aimed at developing the effectiveness in increasing students’ know... |
Bureš, Vladimír
Tučník, Petr
Complex agend-based models: application of a constructivism in the economic research The current state in research of economic systems is characterised by two prevailing issues. Firstly, study of economic systems is traditionally based on analytical and econometric tools, which have been the main arbiters of the veracity or plausibility of assumptions and hypothe... |
Bunget, Ovidiu Constantin
Blidisel, Rodica Gabriela
Feleaga, Liliana
Popa, Irimie Emil
Empirical study of instagible assets in romanian municipalities While economies are becoming more and more knowledge based, investment in intangibles assets becomes important tools for management if they are properly measured and recognized. While the literature states that the economic success is based on the effective utilization of intangible... |
Vacík, Emil
Fotr, Jiří
Špaček, Miroslav
Souček, Ivan
Scenarios and their application in strategic planning The article deals with the concept of scenario planning. Scenarios, as opposed to usual prediction methods, are focused on the identification of discontinuities in the development and help the organization cope with sudden changes and noticeably contribute to its survival. Contemporar... |
Šoltés, Vincent
Gavurová, Beáta
The functionality comparison of the health care systems by the analytical hierarchy process method Day surgery is one of the areas that are still not implemented in Slovakia in the intentions of finding significant economic savings in the health care system. The primary objective to use day surgery was to separate the patients with lighter chirurgical procedure, to... |
Dědková, Jaroslava
Blažková, Klára
The competitive environment among companies in the czech part of Euroregion neisse-nisa-nysa The paper concentrates on the characteristics of the competitive environment in the Czech part of Euroregion Nisa and a constituent part of the outcome of a specific research project at the Faculty of Economics at the Technical University in Liberec. It can be ass... |
Šimrová, Jana
Barták, Miroslav
Vojtíšek, Radovan
Rogalewicz, Vladimír
The costs and reimbursements for lung cancer treatment among selected health care providers in the Czech republic The objective of the article is to objectivise and assess the costs for the lung cancer therapy from the payer’s (health insurance company) and the healthcare provider’s (hospital) perspective based on information available from several large hospitals and specialised centres. No ... |
Pompurová, Kristína
Šimočková, Ivana
Destination atractiveness of Slovakia: perspectivenes of demand from major tourism source markets The destination attractiveness is an expression of territory attractiveness in relation to the decision- making process of its visitors. It plays a key role in determination of destination’s competitive advantage; subsequently it influences the economic effects resulting from goods&... |
Bagočius, Vygantas
Kazimieras Zavadskas, Edmundas
Turskis, Zenonas
Sequence determining of construction of the offshore wind farm construction applying permutation method Ranking of work or feasible investments is one of high-importance keys for successful economic development. The share of renewable energy sources in the Lithuanian primary energy supply is on the lowest among EU. Only bio fuel, hydro and wind power can be considered as&... |
Mitrović, Slavica
Grubić-Nešić, Leposava
Milisavljević, Stevan
Melović, Boban
Babinková, Zuzana
Manager´s assessment of organizational culture This paper analyzes the dimension of organizational culture assessment by managers, in order to diagnose the results of the research directions of changes in management that contributed to the successful functioning of the organization. The research encompassed 168 managers within 8... |
Kajdiž, Romana
Bojnec, Štefan
Determinants of public expenditures for medicinal products in non hospital consumption in Slovenia The Slovenian government aims to regulate prices for medicinal products to manage and reduce public expenditures for medicinal products. This paper aims to investigate the association between the regulated wholesale prices of medicinal products and the public expenditures for medicinal... |
Mikušová Meričková, Beáta
Halásková, Renáta
The issue of income redistribution The issue of trade off efficiency and equity, which is represented by income redistribution, becomes increasingly debated not only in economic and social, but also in political dimension. Solution of this trade-off is virtually projected into the implementation of social policy a... |
Maček, Anita
Ovin, Rasto
Does economic interventionism help strategic industries?: evidence from Europe Although most studies proves that Cross-Border Mergers and Acquisitions (C-B M&A) cause more benefits than threats, the real economic policy in the EU countries offsets the fear that liberalization of inward C-B M&A would endanger economic position of strategic industries and&... |
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