Číslo 1 (2018) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Marc, Mojca
Sprčić, Danijela Miloš
Žagar, Marina Mešin
Is enterprise risk management a value added activity? Enterprise risk management (ERM) programs are advocated as the solution for the failures and weaknesses of the traditional silo-based risk management in creating and protecting stakeholders’ value. ERM encompasses activities and strategies which enable the company to systematically identify, measure,&... |
Klepáč, Václav
Hampel, David
Predicting bankruptcy of manufacturing companies in EU Article focuses on the prediction of bankruptcy of the 1,000 medium-sized retail business companies in EU from which 170 companies gone bankrupt in 2014 with respect to lag of the used features. In recent times, bankruptcy of manufacturing companies rapidly increased due to the... |
Nerudová, Danuše
Solilová, Veronika
Mandatory CCCTB implementation in the Eurozone and its impact on corporate tax revenues in the Czech republic The European Commission has been attempting to coordinate the corporate taxation systems of the EU Member States since 1962. One of the most ambitious projects in the history of the harmonization effort was introduced on 16 March 2011, when the European Commission published, after&... |
Saboniene, Asta
Changes in industrial structure and potential: the case of Lithuania The core aim of the research paper is to analyze the changes in the structure and potential of Lithuanian manufacturing industry, affected by the long process of economic transformation experienced since 1991. The purpose of this paper is to disclose how Lithuanian industrial struc... |
Slintáková, Barbora
Klazar, Stanislav
Does the tax relief for homeownership have effect on household mortgage leverage? This article presents results of the analysis of the relationship between the tax relief for the homeownership and the household mortgage debt. The advantageous treatment of housing is provided especially by a personal income tax if owner-occupiers do not report imputed rents as in... |
Louda, Jiří
Vojáček, Ondřej
Pechholdová, Markéta
Barták, Miroslav
Effect of mass layoffs on health insurance expenditures: the case of the Ostrava region The objective of the paper is to make an analysis of the development of health insurance expenditures on healthcare for employees from the mass layoffs from ArcelorMittal Ostrava, a.s. The paper tests the hypothesis that closing down a large heavy industry plant in a structura... |
Kubak, Matus
Tkáčová, Andrea
Androniceanu, Armenia
Tvaronavičienė, Manuela
Huculová, Eva
Financial literacy of students in chosen universities: research platform for regulatory processes of educational system in Slovakia The main goal of this paper is to compare the level of fi nancial literacy among the selected faculties of economics in Slovakia and to elaborate a comparison of fi nancial literacy level at both input and output level, i.e. between the university students at the beg... |
Staňková, Pavla
Papadaki, Šárka
Dvorský, Ján
Comparative analysis of the perception of the advantages and disadvantages of hospital horizontal integration Integration and strategic alliances of companies represent a rapidly growing phenomenon in all industries. Also the integration and consolidation of healthcare organizations are not unusual themes in professional resources. The specialists observe especially a vertical and horizontal integration of ho... |
Klímová, Blanka
Marešová, Petra
Economic methods used in health technology assessment Early decision-making process about the development of a new product is essential for any company in order to gain relevant fi nancial returns and thus prosper. Therefore, managers need to have at their disposal appropriate assessment tools which assist them in their decisions abou... |
Beyer, Dirk
Hinke, Jana
Sectoral analysis of the differences in profitability of Czech and German business ventures: an empirical benchmark study Profi tability measures are a lens through which business can be viewed and they form a common basis for investment decisions. Especially in areas close to national borders, these decisions could be linked to the question on which side of the border a venture should be... |
Mandysová, Ivana
A behavioral theory of the firm: specifics of czech etnrepreneurial behavior The article attempts to present empirically relevant, process-oriented behavioral theory of the firm incorporating Czech specifi c characteristics of entrepreneurial behavior. It conceptually reconciles the reality by looking at the original ideas of ‘A Behavioral Theory of the Firm’ by Cyert... |
Eger, Ludvík
Mičík, Michal
Řehoř, Petr
Employer branding on social media and recruitment websites: symbolic traits of an ideal employer In recent years, the employer brand has become an important source of a sustainable competitive advantage. There is increasing evidence that employers need to place greater emphasis on communication with talented young people. Jobseekers usually have only basic information and vague knowledg... |
Skačkauskienė, Ilona
Hrušecká, Denisa
Katinienė, Aušra
Čepel, Martin
Evaluation of knowledge synergy components There is no doubt that knowledge is a key asset of any organisation, enabling it to get a competitive advantage, implement innovation, deal with diffi culties and improve its management processes. Requirements on employees´ knowledge have been rising in recent years, especially with... |
Dabija, Dan-Cristian
Bejan, Brîndușa Mariana
Tipi, Nicoleta
Generation X versus millennials communication behaviour on social media when purchasing food versus tourist services Knowledge and proper understanding of the needs, expectations, desires, demands, values or preferences of Generation X and Millennials is an essential goal of any company. The mission of marketers is increasingly diffi cult because they have to develop a marketing mix able to targe... |
Novotová, Jitka
Exploring customer loyalty to fashion brands on Facebook fan pages This article addresses the subject of building fan loyalty to company Facebook pages. Customer loyalty is a key prerequisite for a company’s success in today’s globalised world. Companies now use Facebook extensively to communicate with existing and potential customers. The aim of this&... |
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- Fakulta ekonomická / Faculty of Economy
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- Ekonomie a management
- 2018
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