Číslo 2 (2017) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Makovský, Petr
Moderní teorie dlouhodobé spotřeby v kontextu "Mankiwovy" záhady In this paper we are interested in the effects of the durable consumption. Main idea is about the so called Mankiw puzzle verification on the data sample of the current time series from Germany and the Czech Republic (quarterly data 2004Q1-2016Q4). In other word wh... |
Kutlák, Jiří
Taušl Procházková, Petra
Komuinikace CSR aktivit: CSR reporting This paper focuse on CSR reporting. The aim of this paper is to discuss several aspects influencing the CSR reporting in details and get more precisely information regarding CSR reporting topic in general. Firstly, there is a theoretical part aimed at general explanation... |
Stros, Michael
Lee, Nick
Říha, David
A model of the prescription-pharmaceuticals sales process The purpose of this paper is to determine the factors in marketing most relevant to achieving pharmaceutical sales success and their interrelations, as well as providing a prescription-pharmaceuticals sales process model. This will enable scholars to obtain a better understanding of... |
Andrlík, Břetislav
Fialová, Dana
Daňová podpora výzkumu a vývoje v České republice The paper deals with the issue of support of research and development in the Czech Republic and abroad. Support for research and development is generally divided into direct support and indirect support, where we will focus on the practical implications of indirect R &a... |
Idowu Adeiyi, Segun
Ganiyu Adeniran, Busari
Internal control for sustainable development of small scale enterprises in lagos state: a study of selected local governments The study examines the influence of internal control system on small scale enterprises sustainable development. The specific objective is to determine the influence of organizational structure and recruitment of personnel in small scale enterprises on their net profit margin. The stud... |
Nosková, Marta
Business intelligence a jeho využití při řízení MSP The article discusses the attitude of selected small and medium-sized enterprises towards Business Intelligence Systems. Business Intelligence System can draw data from a variety of internal and external sources (mostly from enterprise information systems) and automatically obtain and analyse... |
Sova Martinovský, Václav
Cloud computing: vývoj a současný stav This article introduces the area of cloud computing with emphasis on businesses and organizations. It includes research of published papers on topic of cloud computing based on metaanalysis and SLR. Summary of relevant advantages both from the user and provider perspective ... |
Čuláková, Tereza
Kotrus, Peter
Uhlířová, Anna
Jirásek, Michal
The overconfidence bias and CEO: a literature overview This systematic review deals the overconfidence bias. It is a cognitive bias which is described as the tendency of people to overestimate their abilities, prospects and chances of success. For the purpose of the research we chose to examine the influence of overconfidence... |
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