Číslo 3 (2017) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Egbunike, Patrick Amaechi
Imade, Osazee Graham
Just in time strategy and financial performance of small scale industry in ogun state: a study of ADO-ODO/OTA local government Many manufacturing firms have decided to implement just in time technique as a strategic cost management to survive and remain competitive in their business environment. The study examines how just in time technique has assisted in reducing inventory cost management and improve... |
Možný, Ladislav
Key elements of strategy in the telecommunication industry: overview of discussion The purpose of this article is to examine current empirical and theoretical approaches to the strategies of companies operating in the telecommunication industry and to identify important strategy elements for the telecommunication industry. These elements are systematically categorized i... |
Štichhauerová, Eva
Pelloneová, Natalie
Význam rodinného podnikání v obcích ČR The paper deals with primary research in the field of perception of family entrepreneurship in municipalities up to 2,000 inhabitants in the Czech Republic. A questionnaire survey was conducted in 2017 as a part of a project solved at the Faculty of Economics of th... |
Machová, Kristýna
Taušl Procházková, Petra
Realita rodinného podnikání v ČR This paper focuses on family business topic. The aim of this paper is to discuss situation of family businesses in the Czech Republic in details. The topic of family business has gained tremendous attention in recent years and is especially concentrating on the task... |
Mlnářík, Pavel
Eye-tracking, in-depth interview a focus group prokazují schopnost generace Y vnímat product placement The article focuses on the phenomenon of the Product Placement. In the First part of this contribution is the Product Placement defined and the question where it can be placed is solved. Even the categorization of the communication mix tool is presented. At the end... |
Mynář, David
Stříteský, Václav
Účinnost výkonnostních nástrojů internetového marketingu The paper deals with the characterization and comparison of selected tools of performancebased internet marketing. These are search engine optimization (SEO), AdWords and Sklik advertising and Facebook social network advertising. Research compares individual marketing channels in terms of ... |
Suchánek, Petr
Šterba, Martin
An analysis of value creation in Czech food companies The subject of this article is based on an analysis of food companies in the Czech Republic. The aim of the article is to identify differences in value creation (including causal ones) across the companies. We chose a basic sample of all 931 Czech companies in... |
Eger, Ludvík
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