Elektrotechnika a informatika
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Zich, Jan
Tester modulu pro zpracování signálu z Čerenkovova detektoru v projektu AFP The Cherenkov light produced by the detector is widely used in particle physics in order to detect primary and even secondary charged particles. The photomultiplier that follows the detector converts the Cherenkov light to the electrical signals. Depending on the experiment the photomul... |
Zeman, Michal
Optimalizace vyhořívajících absorbátorů pro reaktor EPR The research of burnable absorber (BA) is a very important issue, due to BA influence on regulation and control of reactivity in the reactor. Burnable absorbers compensate initial excess reactivity. This paper deals with the depletion calculation of Evolutionary Power Reactor (EPR) nucl... |
Zavřel, Martin
Návrh a realizace kompenzačního kondenzátoru bezdrátového přenosu energie s rezonanční vazbou In this paper is described compensating capacitor for series-series wireless power transfer system. Description is focused on important capacitors parameters and on precision design of capacitor. The design is done in plate-capacitor topology with emphasis on high capacity density, high applicabl... |
Žahour, Jiří
Křivka, Jindřich
Emisní testy nezávislého systému pro redukci NOx The paper describes the method of emissions measuring changes. The new WLTP method is shortly introduced, included WLTC and RDE. Next, the real driving tests results of the independent SCR system are discussed. |
Votava, Martin
Glasberger, Tomáš
Návrh tepelného modelu měniče a identifikace jeho parametrů The paper is focused on a thermal model identification of power semiconductor module for estimation of junction temperature of the semiconductor elements (transistors). The model describes differences between converter baseplate temperature and temperature of each transistor in the module. The th... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Publikační činnost / Publications
- Fakulta elektrotechnická / Faculty of Electrical Engineering
- Publikace FEL / Publications of FEL