2016 Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Stejskal, Marek
IGBT půlmůstek 3,3kV 1,5kA In this paper, 3,3kV 1,5kA halfbridge, which is suitable for testing soft and hard switching losses, saturation voltage, and different configuration of LLC converter with medium frequency transformer, is mentioned. The halfbridge is suitable for short time testing with voltage up to 1,9... |
Elis, Luděk
Kosturik, Karel
Architektury systémů pracujících se zvýšenými požadavky na bezpečnost This paper deals with the structures and the architectures of the safety related systems. The assignment of architecture, which is related to the application of the system, belongs to one of the most important parts of the equipment design. The most used architectures 1oo2, 2o... |
Slobodník, Karel
Návrh a počítačové modelování pulzně buzených defektoskopických sond na bázi vířivých proudů In this paper, design and finite element modeling of different types a pulsed eddy current defectoscopy probes is presented. Influence of dimensions of artificial crack in examined body consisted of silver solder on output signal is investigated. Numerical solution was carried... |
Mužík, Václav
Vostracký, Zdeněk
Vývoj software pro hodnocení schopnosti přechodu města do ostrovního provozu The following paper contains a brief description of current state of software development for calculation of island operation possibility in city of Pilsen. This software is based on MATLAB frequency stability simulations and is developed in MATLAB AppDesigner environment. Runtime... |
Adámek, Martin
Implementace nového způsobu softwarové regulace vodní elektrárny The paper deals with new software regulation of huge hydropower plant in third world country. The new way of regulation is based on inclusion of power pilot curves to the normal regulation via pure PID regulation. The results showed that the implementation of mentioned power... |
Křivka, Jindřich
Žahour, Jiří
Metody návrhu kompaktního ERDPF filtru s důrazem na provozní podmínky elektronického systému This paper describes the new approach for ERDPF design. For a final customer product is necessary to design a filter which will be consist only from a one compact block without a tangle of wires. The filter body has to contain all mechanical and electronic parts. Thi... |
Žahour, Jiří
Křivka, Jindřich
Kosturik, Kamil
Lightweight bootloader pro mikrokontroléry NXP s jádrem S08 This paper describes a simple bootloader for the NXP microcontrollers. The first part deals with basic principles, memory layout and system interrupts. In the second part the implementation of the bootloader via CAN bus is described. Implementation also includes a transport protocol opt... |
Totzauer, Pavel
Stárnutí kompozitních materiálů různými druhy napětí This paper describes the assessing the lifetime curves of composite insulation under different kind of voltage stress. This covers several areas that are important for using the electrical insulation properly. First one is the composite insulation. The use of this kind of insulation... |
Kadlec, Petr
Vliv zpracovatelských přísad a antidegradantů na dielektrické vlastnosti kompozitů PE/HNT This contribution deals with an assessment of the impact of selected additives on properties of composites, which are composed of polyethylene polymer matrix and halloysite nanotubes as a filler. Attention is paid to the impact of the selected mixture of additives on d... |
Bystřický, Tomáš
Soukup, Radek
Hamáček, Aleš
Textrody pro dlouhodobé měření EKG integrované ve Smart textiliích This paper presents research and development of fully integrated textile electrodes for continuous measurement of electrocardiograph (ECG) signals. These Textrodes are fully integrated, skin friendly, antibacterial, flexible and washable. In close cooperation with two SME textile companies were done w... |
Paslavský, Bohumil
Aproximace měření průsakových proudů izolačního systému generátorů This paper is focused on measurement and evaluation of leakage current in insulation during DC voltage stress of insulation stator windings. High emphasis put on evaluation and interpretation of results on life cycle of stator winding of generator and it put on used... |
Petrášová, Iveta
Vyšetření elektrického pole svazkových vodičů The paper is focused on the examination of the electric field of the bundle of conductors to investigate values of electric field intensity on the surface of the conductor. Solution was implemented for single wire bundle consisting of four wires using Fredholm integral equations... |
Benešová, Andrea
Optimalizační a statistické metodiky jako nástroje pro zlepšení experimentálních procesů This paper is focused on the verification of whether it is appropriate to use optimization and statistical methods as tools for improving experimental research processes. The article describes two methods, FMEA and Student´s t-test. These methods were used during the selected experiment.... |
Světlík, Pavel
Stavba tokem spínaného stroje s permanentními magnety This paper deals with the construction of the flux-switching permanent magnet machine (FSPM). The machine was constructed to verify finite element models. The machine itself is shortly described with all its separate parts. Complete machine is if fully operational but works ... |
Partingl, Martin
Navigace pro skladové prostory s využitím RFID This paper is focused on the design of a navigation system for the warehouses. This navigation system uses a module for the inertial navigation and RFID tags for the deviation correction. The design of the inertial navigation system is described in the introduction. Information... |
Horníková, Lucie
Optimalizace elektromagnetického návrhu PSMS stroje s axiálním tokem typu TORUS The paper is dealing with the influence of choosing the optimal inner/outer diameter ratio on machines parameters. The Torus machines types are introduced with their structural options. Two NS Torus type designs for in-wheel application were made – in first case for machine wi... |
Chudáčik, Vladimír
Smetana, Milan
Karban, Pavel
Formovanie magnetického poľa vo vodivom biomateriály v dôsledku deformácie In this paper, the impact of plastic deformation of conductive biomaterial on magnetic field formation is described. Austenitic stainless steel specimens after plastic deformation are investigated by non-destructive way under same conditions. Weak magnetic fields are measured using fluxgate sensor.... |
Bouzek, Stanislav
Tureček, Oldřich
Měření parametrů přenosového kanálu systému eCall v osobních automobilech Emergency call system, which in the case of traffic accidents ensure rapid assistance to motorists, will be mandatory for all new passenger cars approved since 2017 - 2018. The speech intelligibility as one of the parameters of eCall developed for cars depends on parameters of... |
Pavec, Martin
Návrh a realizace všívaných anténních prvků ve Smart textiliích In this paper is described problematics of Smart textiles. Realization of embroided antenna optimized for frequency the 868 MHz. The antenna was embroidered on para-aramid synthetic fiber by hybrid sewing thread. |
Bláha, Štěpán
Komrska, Tomáš
Šmídl, Václav
Peroutka, Zdeněk
Anti-windup kompenzace LQ řízení jednofázového měniče s LCL filtrem The aim of this article was to describe design and verification of antiwindup compensation for LQ control of single-phase converter with LCL filter. The Matlab environment is used for verification of proposed design. |
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