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Vyčichlo, Jiří
Karel SVOBODA Autokrat a jeho doba. Rusko a revoluce v letech 1830–1831 Praha: Karolinum 2016 ISBN 978-80-2463-018-2, 214 pages |
Křivancová, Jana
Jaroslav MICHÁLKA Roky v pekle. Vzpomínky politického vězně z 50. let Praha: ÚSTR – Volvox Globator 2015 ISBN 978-80-7511-131-9, 190 pages |
Afe, Adedayo Emmanuel
The Nigerian state and the challenges of curbing insecurity: a perspective on the role of students The impact of armed violence is transcendental and, by extension, negatively affects development, peace and good governance, often by creating a climate of impunity, corruption and undermining public institutions. It is also closely tied to transnational crime and the misery and abuse a... |
Jakubec, Ivan
Die Bedeutung des Protektorats Böhmen und Mähren für das Reich aus der Sicht des Tourismus This issue has not yet reflected in Czechoslovak, Czech or even foreign (German) literature. The importance of the Protectorate in the area of tourism was ambivalent for the Third Reich. On one hand, there seemed to be a tendency to restrict “free” movement as such no... |
Drábek, Jakub
Tóth, Andrej
To legislative anchoring of the sugar industry in the newly established Czechoslovak republic (1918–1921) The study deals with the legislative rules for the state-bound sugar industry in the Czechoslovak Republic in early 1920s. During 1918–1921, the sugar industry was stabilized under the direction of the Czechoslovak Sugar Commission that was gradually increasingly dominated and controlled by&... |
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